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All manuals and user guides at Rev_1.4 THE MAGIC OF HOME User Guide E-mail: Model: SA HF025 Sable 3 Ring Inflatable Pool MANUFACTURER Manufacturer: Shenzhen NearbyExpress Technology Development Co.,Ltd. Address: Floor 7, Building E, Galaxy World Phase II, Shenzhen, China...
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All manuals and user guides at CONTENTS 01/03 English Deutsch 03/05 Français 06/08 Español 08/10 Italiano 11/13 日本語 13/15...
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All manuals and user guides at Warning · Use hygienic and clean water, do not f ill with river, f ire water, or water not up to health IMPORTANT SAFETY RULES standards. Read and follow all safety information and instructions. Keep for future reference. Before ·...
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All manuals and user guides at Repairs Achtung · First locate the leak: close all inflation valve caps after inflation, spray the surface with 1. Nicht für Babys, die: soapy water, fold the pool by half, press your knees on it, the soapy water will bubble out ·...
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All manuals and user guides at 5. Blasen Sie zuerst die unterste Luftkammer mit einer Luftpumpe, die speziell für aufblasbare Produkte geeignet ist, auf und dann nacheinander die nachfolgenden Kammern. RÈGLES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORTANTES 6. Füllen Sie das Produkt mit Luft, bis sich die Oberfläche fest anfühlt. Blasen Sie das Produkt Lisez et suivez toutes les consignes et informations de sécurité.
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All manuals and user guides at Attention Réparations ·Utilisez de l’ e au propre et hygiénique, ne pas remplir avec de l’ e au d’une rivière, de l’ e au ·Localisez la fuite: Fermez tous les bouchons après gonflable, arrosez la surface d’eau d’...
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All manuals and user guides at Precaución 5. Infle la cámara de aire inferior primero con una bomba de aire diseñada específ icamente 1. No apto para bebes: para productos inflables, y luego la siguiente cámara o cámaras en secuencia. ·Con un puntaje en la Prueba Neonatal de Apgar menor a 8 puntos 6.
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All manuals and user guides at Attenzione ·Utilizzare acqua igienizzata e pulita. Non riempire con acqua di fiume, acqua di impianti IMPORTANTI NORME DI SICUREZZA antincendio o acqua che non risponda ai requisiti minimi di igienicità Leggere e seguire scrupolosamente tutte le informazioni e le istruzioni di sicurezza, e tenerle ·Pulire regolarmente la piscina.
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All manuals and user guides at 注意事項 : Riparazioni ·Per prima cosa, localizzare con esattezza la posizione della perdita: chiudere tutte le 1. 次の赤ちゃんには使用しないでください。 valvole dopo aver gonf iato il prodotto, spruzzare sulla superf icie una miscela di acqua e ·アプガー指数が8ポイントより低い赤ちゃん...