1 | General
In this state the damper doors are closed. In the event of a rise in temperature, the stove switches to ig-
nition phase 1.
Ignition phase 1
The damper doors are completely opened. After about 15 minutes, the switch to ignition phase 2
takes place. If within about 30 minutes no fire is detected, the the control system switches into the em-
ber phase.
Ignition phase 2
The damper doors are not completely opened. After about 5 minutes, the switch to ignition phase 1
takes place. If within about 30 minutes no fire is detected, the the control system switches into the em-
ber phase.
Combustion phase 1
The damper doors are controlled as a function of the firebox temperature.
Combustion phase 2
The damper doors are controlled as a function of the firebox temperature.
Stoking phase
The damper doors are completely opened once more in order to fan the embers for the stoking pro-
cess. When stoked up with wood, the flame temperature rises and the system switches to combustion
phase 1. Otherwise after a certain length of time the system switches to the ember phase.
Ember phase
Damper doors are opened approximately halfway in order to maintain the firebed. If the temperature
in the combustion chamber rises above a certain point, the system switches to the stoking phase and
then to combustion phase 1. Otherwise the system switches to the OFF phase. Calibration is carried
out before positioning into the off phase.