The choice for Band is only available in Windows XP; while in Windows 7, Windows 8 and
Windows 8.1, by default it only supports 2.4 GHz network.
Security Type: The security type here is set to be WPA2-PSK which is based on 802.11i
and uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) instead of TKIP. It was designed to
improve the security features of WEP. WPA2-PSK uses a passphrase or key to
authenticate your wireless connection. You needn't make any configuration here.
Encryption Type: The encryption type here is set to be AES.
Security Key: Enter the Key in the field to make your AP security enabled. It is
recommended that you specify another key instead of the default key 12345678. Only by
entering the corresponding key can other computers establish a successful connection with
your AP.
IP Address: Here displays the IP address of the Soft AP.
Having completed the above settings, click Apply; then Figure 5-4 will pop up, where you click
OK to make Soft AP mode take effect.
AC600 Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter User Guide