Liste d'affectations
IRIG-B.Control Signal1
IRIG-B.Control Signal2
IRIG-B.Control Signal3
IRIG-B.Control Signal4
IRIG-B.Control Signal5
IRIG-B.Control Signal6
IRIG-B.Control Signal7
IRIG-B.Control Signal8
IRIG-B.Control Signal9
IRIG-B.Control Signal10
IRIG-B.Control Signal11
IRIG-B.Control Signal12
IRIG-B.Control Signal13
IRIG-B.Control Signal14
IRIG-B.Control Signal15
IRIG-B.Control Signal16
IRIG-B.Control Signal17
IRIG-B.Control Signal18
Statistiq.ResFc tt
Statistiq.ResFc I Demand
Statistiq.ResFc Max
Statistiq.ResFc Min
Statistiq.StartFc 2-I
Logiqu.LE1.Port Out
Logiqu.LE1.Tempo exp
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: IRIG-B Control Signal. The external IRIG-B generator can set these signals. They can be used for
further control procedures inside the device (e.g. logic funtions).
Signal: S'il n'y a pas de signal SNTP valide pendant 120 s, le protocole SNTP est considéré inactif.
Signal: Réinitialisation des statistiques (demande de courant, demande de puissance, Mini, Maxi)
Signal: Réinitialisation des statistiques - Demande de courant (moyenne, moyenne en pointe)
Signal: Réinitialisation de toutes les valeurs maximales
Signal: Réinitialisation de toutes les valeurs minimales
État entrée module: Démarrage des statistiques 2
Signal : Sortie de la porte logique
Signal : Sortie de la temporisation
Signal : Sortie mémorisée (Q)