Preparing the Food
Preparing the Stock/Broth
For the broth, choose beef bouillon, chicken bouillon or a light
Asian vegetable soup.
You can spice up the broth with other ingredients such as onion,
carrots, celery, etc. and with a dash of wine.
Carefully pour the hot broth into the drip pan of the cone grill.
Using the Raclette
The basic recipe for raclette is a few thin slices of boiled potato
topped with further ingredients, meat or sausage, finished with a
slice of cheese. Feel free to experiment with any recipe ideas you
have. Season and flavour your dishes according to taste.
Suitable Ingredients for Raclette
boiled potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, onion rings, mushrooms,
corn, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, zucchini, asparagus,
salami, shrimps, ham, pressed garlic cloves, olives, etc. Or use
fruit such as bananas and pineapples.
Suitable Cheese for Raclette
All types of cheeses with a fat content of more than 45 % in dry
matter and less water are suitable. The cheese melts easily and
remains creamy. Special raclette cheese is best.
Approximately 200 – 300 g cheese per person should be
considered. The cheese should be cut into 3 mm thick slices.
1. Fill the raclette pans with your chosen ingredients. CAUTION:
Do not overfill the raclette pans otherwise, the ingredients
might get too close to the heating element and burn.
2. Put the raclette pans in the positions provided for this purpose
under the heating element.
3. Remove the raclette pans from the grill as soon as the
ingredients are cooked and the cheese is molten.
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