P.41 - VT1 ratio
Specifies the ratio of any VT connected to terminals L1-L2. Refer to the list of wiring
P.42 - VT2 ratio
Specifies the ratio of any VT connected to terminals L1-L3. Used only with D and E type
connection. Refer to the list of wiring diagrams.
P.43 - Programmable input function
Defines the function of the input, terminals 18 and 19.
If set to OFF, the input is disabled.
If set to ntC, it is used as external temperature measurement via the specific probe
with ntC sensor. When set other than to ntC, temperature is detected via the sensor
inside the controller.
If set to 2.Co, closing a potential free contact connected to the terminals, a second
cosφ set-point placed in the parameter P.44 can be selected.
If set to noA or ncA, a potential free contact (normally open with NoA or normally
closed with ncA) can be connected for generation of the E.AL external alarm.
P.44 - Second cosφ set-point
Used to set the second cosφ set-point that can be selected using the programmable
input. See previous parameter.
P.45 - Minimum voltage threshold
Defines the tripping threshold for alarm A05 low voltage.
Note: For type D and E connections, this threshold is used in combination with the
phase-to-phase voltage applied to the capacitors.
P.46 - Maximum voltage threshold
Defines the tripping threshold for A06 alarm high voltage.
Note: For type D and E connections, this threshold is used in combination with the
phase-to-phase voltage applied to the capacitors.
P.47 - Measurement of harmonic events
Selects the measurement to be monitored for logging of harmonic events.
Possible selections: capacitor current overload, phase-to-phase voltage THD, current
P.48 - Harmonic event threshold
Defines the threshold to be applied to the measurement selected with the previous
When the measurement exceeds this threshold, a harmonic event is generated, i.e. both
the waveforms (voltage-current) and the harmonic spectrum present at that moment are