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Spectrum AR8360T Mode D'emploi page 13


SAFE Setting menu.
The First Time SAFE Setup should be sufficient to fly your airplane, but to fine
tune the SAFE system there are many setup and tuning options.
Select Forward Programming -> Gyro Settings -> SAFE Settings ->
• SAFE Gains can be fine tuned for each axis within each Flight Mode.
• Angle Limits can be changed for each flight mode
• Fixed/ Adjustable Gain operates the same as this feature in AS3X, but
applies to SAFE gain. You can assign a separate SAFE gain channel for roll
and pitch if you have enough free channels. Use a different gain channel for
SAFE gain than what you have assigned for AS3X. It is possible to have up
to five different channels assigned for fine tuning gain. AS3X roll, pitch and
yaw, and SAFE roll and pitch. If you are limited by channels, make your gain
changes within Forward Programming.
• Capture Gyro Gains operates the same as this feature in AS3X, but applies
to SAFE operation
(AS3X) System Setup
Select Forward Programming -> Gyro Settings -> System Settings ->
• Relearn Servo Settings can be accessed if any changes are made to the
model configuration outside of Forward Programming. If any changes are
made to servo reversing, travel, sub-trim, wing type or tail type, you can
execute this function instead of restoring factory defaults and redoing the
entire setup.
• Orientation can be changed from this menu if the receiver mounting is changed.
• Gain Channel enables you to change the channel you are using to manage gain.
• SAFE/Panic Mode Setup
1. Panic
Select a channel to trigger Panic mode. Chose any channel that is not
used for a control surface, throttle, flight modes, or gain. We recommend
assigning the momentary I button for Panic.
Delay will cause a two second delay when exiting panic mode
Panic Flight Mode selects a Flight Mode to pull the gain values from for
Panic operation; select a Flight Mode that is setup with SAFE
Roll and Pitch values on this page represent angle limits while in Panic mode.
2. Throttle To Pitch
Low Thr to Pitch Threshold determines the trigger point below which
the airplane will descend nose down at the chosen angle.
High Thr to Pitch Threshold determines the trigger point above which
the airplane climbs at the chosen angle.
3. Attitude Trim allows you to redo the Capture Level Flight Attitude, and/or
manually fine tune the values based on flight testing.
4. SAFE Failsafe Flight Mode allows you to select a flight mode (with
SAFE configured) to act as a failsafe mode. Making this selection enables
SAFE Failsafe.
5. Failsafe Angles determine the attitude the aircraft will maintain in the
event of a failsafe. Set pitch and bank angles to hold the aircraft in a
gentle gliding turn, preventing a flyaway.
• Utilities -> Copy Flight Mode Settings
Select a Source and Target Flight Mode to transfer all Flight Mode settings
from one Flight Mode to another. All settings in the Target Flight Mode will be



Produits Connexes pour Spectrum AR8360T