4. Object of the declaration (identification of the EEE allowing traceability. May include
a photo if appropriate):
Importer or Manufacturer reference: AF150Originating reference: TY-0602
Test report No: EBSZ240306049E
5. The subject of the declaration described above is in accordance with Directive
2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the res-
triction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equip-
6. Where appropriate, references to the relevant harmonised standards used, or refe-
rences to the technical specifications in relation to which conformity is declared:
EN IEC 55014-1:2021: Electromagnetic compatibility- Requirements for household appliances,
electric tools and similar apparatus. Part 1: Emission
EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019 +A1:2021 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)- Part 3-2:Limits-Limits
for harmonic current emissions(equipment input current ≤16A per phase)
EN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019 +A2:2021 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)- Part 3-3:Li-
mits-Limitation of voltage changes, Voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply
systems, for equipment with rated current ≤16A per phase and not subject to conditional con-
EN IEC 55014-2:2021 Electromagnetic compatibility- Requirements for household appliances,
electric tools and similar apparatus. Part 2: Immunity-Product family standard
7. Additional information.
2011/65/EU RoHS
Signed for and on behalf of:
10/06/2024, Oñati
Aitor Lagunilla (Gerente)