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Zerowatt ETD C8LG-S Mode D'emploi page 5


The Laundry
Do not dry unwashed items in
the tumble dryer.
WARNING Do not tumble dry
fabrics treated with dry cleaning
W A R N I N G F o a m r u b b e r
materials can, under certain
circumstances, when heated
b e c o m e
spontaneous combust on.
Items such as foam rubber
(latex foam), shower caps,
waterproof text les, rubber
backed art cles and clothes or
p llows f tted w th foam rubber
pads MUST NOT be dr ed n the
tumble dryer.
Always refer to the laundry care
l a b e l s f o r d i r e c t i o n s o n
suitability for drying.
Clothes should be spin dried or
thoroughly wrung before they
are put into the tumble dryer.
Clothes that are dr pp ng wet
should not be put nto the dryer.
Lighters and matches must not
be left in pockets and NEVER
use flammable l qu ds near the
mach ne.
Glass fibre curtains should
NEVER be put in this machine.
Skin irritation may occur f other
garments are contam nated
w th the glass f bres.
Items that have been soiled
w i t h s u b s t a n c e s s u c h a s
cooking oil, acetone, alcohol,
p e t r o l , k e r o s e n e , s p o t
removers, turpent ne, waxes
and wax removers should be
g n t e d b y
washed n hot water w th an
extra amount of detergent
before be ng dr ed n the
tumble dryer.
Fabric softeners, or similar
products, should be used as
s p e c i f i e d b y t h e f a b r i c
softener nstruct ons.
Vent lat on
Adequate vent lat on must be
prov ded n the room where
the tumble dryer s located to
p r e v e n t g a s e s f r o m
appl ances burn ng other
fuels, nclud ng open f res,
be ng drawn nto the room
dur ng operat on of the
tumble dryer.
Install ng the rear of the
appl ance close to a wall or
vert cal surface.
There should be a gap of at
least 12 mm between the
m a c h n e a n d a n y
obstrubt ons.The nlet and
outlet should be kept clear of
o b s t r u c t o n . To e n s u r e
adequate vent lat on the
space between the bottom of
the mach ne and the floor
must not be obstructed.
Check regularly that the a r
flow ng through the dryer s
not restr cted.
Check frequently the fluff
f lter after use, and clean, f
Prevent tems from fall ng or
collect ng beh nd the dryer as

