Th s appl ance can be used by
ch ldren aged from 8 years and
and persons
reduced phys cal,sensory or
mental capab l t es or lack of
exper ence and knowledge f they
have been g ven superv s on or
nstruct on concern ng use of the
appl ance n a safe way and
u n d e r s t a n d t h e h a z a r d s
nvolved.Ch ldren shall not play
w th the appl ance. Clean ng and
user ma ntenance should not be
made by ch ldren w thout
superv s on.Ch ldren of less than
3 years should be kept away
unless cont nuously superv sed.
WARNING Misuse of a tumble
dryer may create a fire hazard
Th s appl ances s ntended to be
used n household and s m lar
appl cat ons such as:
- Staff k tchen areas n shops ,
off ces and other work ng
env ronments;
- Farm houses
- By cl ents n hotels, motels and
o t h e r r e s d e n t a l t y p e
env ronments;
- B e d a n d b r e a k f a s t t y p e
env ronments" A d fferent use of
th s appl ance from house hold
env ronment or from typ cal
housekeep ng funct ons,as
commerc al use by
tra ned users, s excluded even n
the above appl cat ons.
If the appl ance s used n a
manner ncons stent w th th s t
may reduce the l fe of the
appl ance and may vo d the
manufacturer's warranty.
Any damage to the appl ance
w th
or other damage or loss
ar s ng through use that s not
cons stent w th domest c or
household use ( even f
located n a domest c or
household env ronment)
shall not be accepted by the
manufacturer to the fullest
extent perm tted by law.
This machine should only be
used for its intended purpose
as described in this manual.
Ensure that the nstruct ons
for nstallat on and use are
fully understood before
operat ng the appl ance.
Do not touch the appliance
when hands or feet are damp
or wet.
Do not lean on the door when
loading the machine or use
the door to lift or move the
mach ne.
Do not allow children to play
with the machine or its
expert or