traNslatioN oF tHe oriGiNal iNstructioNs - iNtroductioN (2.2)
In thanking you for the purchase of this hand pallet truck, we
want to call to your attention some aspects of this manual:
- this booklet supplies useful instructions for the correct ope-
ration and maintenance of the hand pallet truck to which
it refers; it is therefore necessary to pay the utmost attention
to all of the paragraphs which illustrate the most simple and
secure way to operate the fork truck
- this booklet must be considered an integral part of the ma-
chine and must be included with the deed of sale
- neither this publication, nor part of it, can be reproduced wit-
hout written authorization on the part of the Manufacturing
- all of the information reported herein is based on data avai-
lable at the moment of printing ; the Manufacturing Firm re-
serves the right to carry out modifications to its own products
at any moment, without notice and without incurring in any
sanction. It is therefore suggested to always verify possible
the person responsible for the use of the fork truck must
make sure that all of the safety rules in force in the country of
its use should be applied, to guarantee that the equipment
is used in conformity with the use for which it is destined and
to avoid any dangerous situation for the utilizer.
this hand pallet truck was designed for the lifting and the
transport of loads on a pallet or standardized containers on
level, smooth and adequately strong pavements. the truck
can be used only inside buildings.
In its use paY careFul atteNtioN to the following rules:
1) NEVER load the fork truck over its maximum capacity indi-
cated on the "X" rating plate (fig.B/pag. 2); a limiting device
protects the truck from overloads
2) Fig. "A"/ pag.2 explains how the load must be positioned on
the forks of the hand pallet truck to not create dangerous
3) It is prohibited to use the fork truck in environments with dan-
ger of fire or explosion
4) Do not load the forks when they are also partially lifted
5) Temperature of use -12°C/+50°C (-30°C/+50°C GS/X-I)
6) Before start working make sure of the perfect efficiency of
the hand pallet truck
7) It is forbidden to transport foodstuffs in direct contact with
the truck.
8) The machine does not need to be in a specially lighted
area. However provide adequate lighting to comply with
applicable working norms
9) Do not use the truck to transport people.
Rating plate "X" can be thus summarized:
Model = MODEL
code = CODE
rated load capacitY = MAXIMUM CAPACITY Table "Z" (fig.B/
pag.2) reports the unloaded weight of the fork truck. the Ma-
nufacturing Firm does not assume any obligations and/or
responsibility relative to breakdowns or accidents due to
negligence, non-original spare parts and improper use of
the fork truck.
Appel Gratuit
0800 33 11 11
risk of overturning:
- the load can fall from the truck when cornering at high
speed, especially with high loads. please reduce speed
while cornering
- Wind may cause overturning of the load, especially when
the load has a big lateral surface. please do not use the
truck in case of windy conditions.
risk of crushing:
- the risk of crushing under the forks can occur when lowe-
ring the fork (intentionally or unintentionally) or due to a
defect of the hydraulic system. please make sure that no
people are present in the immediate vicinity of the truck
- the risk of crushing may occur when moving in narrow
spaces with hands placed on the sides of the tiller. please
make sure to keep hands only on the top of the tiller and
not on the sides
- the risk of crushing may occur when travelling at high
speed and/or deceleration is too quick, which may cause
the load to slip forward and fall from the forks. please always
drive slowly, smoothly and carefully
On the tiller of the fork truck you will find a lever which can be
regulated in 3 positions as indicated on the "Y" rating plate
POS: -3- on the top = LOWERED
POS: -1- in the center = TRANSPORT
POS: -2- on the bottom = LIFTED
Maintenance and repair must be carried out by specialized
It is forbidden to introduce modifications to the fork truck as
well as to use it when it no longer responds to the security cri-
teria. After repairs the dismantled parts and the discharged
products must be eliminated with respect to safety and envi-
ronmental regulations It is forbidden to use inflammable pro-
ducts for the cleaning of the fork truck.
the spare parts supplied by the Manufacturing Firm are the
only ones accepted as substitution parts.
a) asseMBlY oF tHe tiller (see fig. C/pag.3):
- Install the tiller (228) on the pump group (200) with the screws
(27) available in the packing (tightening torque 25 Nm). Be
sure that the chain end (208) goes through the tiller bracket
pin hole
- Connect the chain (208) at the lowering pedal (50) turning it
to facilitate the coupling. Remove the polystyrene protection
before connecting.
B) loWeriNG adJustMeNt (see fig.C/pag.3):
- Take the forks to the maximum height
- Position the tiller control lever at POS: -1- (in the center)
- Ensure that the tiller (228) is in a vertical position
- Unscrew the lock nut (2) and slowly turn the regulation screw
in the clockwise direction (48) until you obtain the lowering
movement of the forks
- As soon as the lowering movement is obtained, turn the regu-
lation screw (48) one and a half turns counter-clockwise, then
tighten the lock nut (2)
- Operating on the control lever you must have the lowering
movement, in any position of the tiller.