Thank you for choosing this product from
JessEm Tool Company. We appreciate your
support and hope that our product serves
you well. This product is designed to provide
many years of reliable service provided it is
used as intended and taken care of.
This user manual will assist you in assembly
and general operation of this product. It is
not our intent to teach you about
woodworking. It is assumed that you are an
experienced woodworker with the basic skills
and experience necessary to use this product
safely. If after reading the following
instructions, if you are unsure or
uncomfortable about safely using this
product we urge you to seek additional
information through widely available
woodworking books or classes.
As part of our Continuous Product
Improvement Policy, JessEm products are
always advancing in design and function.
Therefore there may be differences
between what is shown in our catalogs,
website or at retail display and what is sold
at time of purchase. We reserve the right to
make positive changes to our products at
our discretion.