5. Routing and terminating coaxial cables
Plan the coaxial cable route to the wireless device to avoid running adjacent to any existing electrical wiring.
If heat shrink tubes are to be used, slide onto antenna cable tails prior to connecting extension cables – it is
recommended that these are heat shrunk only after tests have been satisfactorily completed.
Connect extension coaxial cables to antenna and route to equipment. When routing the cables take care to
avoid running them adjacent to any existing vehicle wiring or fouling any moving components. The cables must
not be routed in front of any airbag device.
Secure the cable run using correct size cable ties so as not to distort/compress the cables. It is important that
the cables are not bent sharply – note that the rminimum bend radius for the cable is 13mm (1/2"). Fit correct
coaxial connector or adapter to cables as required.When connecting the cables to two 4x4 cellular radio devices
it is recomended to connect CELL A,B,C and D to one radio and CELL E,F,G and H to the other for optimal
6. Commission and test
Check LTE/Cellular and WiFi cable(s):
• Carry out VSWR check all feeds should measure as per datasheet specification.
Check GPS/GNSS cable:
• Check the GPS/GNSS cable with DC to measure high resistance.
• Connect the GPS/GNSS cable to the GPS/GNSS receiver and check for satellite acquisition.
7. Notices
• operate the equipment in an explosive atmosphere.
• chew parts or put them in mouth, keep away from unsupervised children.
• operate the transmitter / radio when any person is within 250mm (10") of the antenna.
European Waste Electronic Equipment Directive 2002/96/EC
Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. All electronic products
with the WEEE logo must be collected and sent to approved operators for safe disposal or
recycling. Please recycle where facilities exist. Many electrical/electronic equipment retailers
facilitate "Distributor Take-Back scheme"for household WEEE. Check with your Local Authority or
electronic retailers for designated collection facilities where WEEE can be disposed of for free.
Please Recycle
Printed versions of these instructions can be recycled. When you have finished with these
instructions please recycle them.
Waiver: This document represents information compiled to the best of our present knowledge. It is not intended to as a representation or
warranty of fitness of the products described for any particular purpose. This document details guidelines for general information purposes
only. Always seek specialist advice when planning installations and ensure that antennas are always installed by a properly qualified
installer in compliance with local laws and regulations.