byko-visc RT
4 Measurement Settings
Tap the settings icon in the main menu to manage settings changed often.
Time to Stop
Time to Torque
Curve Fitting
Presets (1 ... 6)
Use back navigation icon ( < ) to go back to previous page. Current settings will be saved.
Settings for Speed and Spindle will be used as defaults and can also be changed directly
during measurements.
Select spindle based on spring. Only spindles applicable to
your model will be shown.
Input a value from 0.1 - 250 rpm. Cone and speed combination
will show the maximum viscosity that can be measured with
this combination.
Available if Density is activated in System Configuration.
Set measurement time in hours / minutes / seconds.
Set torque measurement at which the unit will stop when
Define measurement ramp: Enter start speed, end speed, time
to run.
Select alarm criteria: Set upper limit, set lower limit, select
alarm type (buzzer, display flash, both, or none).
Choose between: Newton, Bingham, Casson, Ostwald, Hershel-
Buckley to overlay onto the measurement graph.
Check and change system settings, see System Configura-
Settings are automatically stored in selected slot. Tap a slot to
recall stored settings.
BYK-Gardner GmbH
300 003 476 - 2411