Dans un soucis d'efficacité munissez-vous des éléments suivants avant de contacter notre Service
Après Vente :
Le nom ou la référence du produit.
Le numéro de fabrication indiqué sur le châssis principal et sur le carton d'emballage.
Contacter du lundi au vendredi de 10H00 à 12H00 et de 14H00 à 17H00 (sauf jour fériés).
CARE Service Après Vente
18 / 22 rue Bernard – Z.I. les Vignes
93012 BOBIGNY Cedex
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 48 43 04 44 - Fax : + 33 (1) 48 91 06 24
E mail :
The things you should know before exercise
A. Auto start and stop function
Pedaling exercise equipment, the monitor will start immediately. Stop pedaling after 4 seconds will go to stop
mode. You can select program and set up the exercise target only in the stop mode.
B. UP & DOWN function
1. During the program setting mode, turn the button to increase ( clockwork side) or decrease (reverse clock
side) value.
2. During the exercise mode,turn the button to increase or decrease the resistance level.
C. Enter function
Press the button to confirm your program choosing or confirm your target value to do exercise.You can set up
the exercise time,Distance and calorie but only can choose one of them to be your exercise target every time.
D. Reset monitor function
Press and hold button 3 seconds can reset the monitor.
E.Pulse Recovery function
Once reach your exercise target,the monitor will have Bi sound 5 seconds. Please move your hand to the heart
rate sensor. After one minute you can got your result.
time starts counting from 01:00 - 00:59 - - to 00:00. As soon as 00:00 is reached, the computer will show your
heart rate recovery status with the grade F1.0 to F6.0.