As users may activate different features/functions according
to their own preference, we suggest charging the device
every day to ensure the device is always with power.
How long will the data be kept on the device?
Data will be kept for 1 week on the device. We recommend to
sync with the APP every day to make sure the latest data can
be kept on the APP.
Cannot find the device when pairing the device?
Please ensure Bluetooth is ON and the mobile phones system
is Android 4.4+ and IOS 8.0+.
Please ensure the distance between phone and device is less
than 10 meters.
Please ensure the device is not under low power.
For Android system, please enter phone setting--- App &
notifications---Notification and permissions---find Wear fit app
and turn on all. For IOS, please ignore the other device from
Bluetooth setting in smart phone and try again.
Cannot connect the device with App?
Please restart Bluetooth or restart your smart phone for
pairing the device.
App no data display?
Please make sure the device is connected well with smart
phone. Please pull down the homepage in App to sync the
data from the device. Please make sure the phone and the
device are with power. If it is still not working, please reset the
band and re-connect again.
Wrong time display?
Please make sure the device is charged fully and connected
with the smart phone. The time will be synchronised with the
smart phone automatically.
• Please do not wear it for hot water showering.
• Damage and scratches can be caused to the product if you fall or
bang the item.
• Do not disassemble the product by yourself.
• Please keep the product away from fire and high temperatures.
• Please use a soft cloth to clean the product. Do not use soap,