PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 or PPE Directive 89/686/
EEC: EU/EC (as applicable) Type-Examination by: BSI
Group The Netherlands B.V., Say Building, John M.
Keynesplein 9, 1066 EP, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Notified Body No 2797) or BSI Assurance UK Ltd,
Kitemark Court, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes
MK5 8PP, UK (Notified Body No. 0086) as specified on
the product label.
Centurion Safety Products Ltd
21 Howlett Way, Fison Way Ind Estate, Thetford
Norfolk, IP24 1HZ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1842 754266 - centurionsafety.eu
Made in China for Centurion Safety Products Ltd
Rev F 06-20