The things you should know before exercising
A. Input Power
Plug in the adaptor to the equipment then the computer will produce a beep sound and turn on the computer at
the Manual mode.
B. Program select and setting value
1. Use the UP or DOWN keys to select program mode and then press ENTER to confirm your exercise mode.
2. At the Manual mode, the computer will use the UP or DOWN keys to set up your exercise TIME, DISTANCE,
3. Press the START/STOP key to start exercise.
4. When you reach the target, the computer will produce beep sounds and then stop.
5. If you set up more than one target and you would like to reach next target, press START/STOP key to keep on
C. The monitor will SHOW SLEEP mode (LCD off) when there is no signal input and no pressed key after 4 minutes.
Press the screen to start the monitor.
Functions and Features:
1. TIME: Shows your elapsed workout time in minutes and seconds. Your computer will automatically count up from
0:00 to 99:59 in one second intervals. You can also program your computer to count down from a set value by
using the UP and DOWN keys. If you continue exercising once the time has reached 0:00, the computer will
begin beeping, and reset itself to the original time set, letting you know your workout is done.
2. DISTANCE: Displays the accumulative distance traveled during each workout up to a maximum of 99.9KM/MILE.
3. RPM: Your pedal cadence.
4. SPEED: Displays your workout speed value in KM/MILE per hour.
5. CALORIES: Your computer will estimate the cumulative calories burned at any given time during your workout.
6. PULSE: Your computer displays your pulse rate in beats per minute during your workout.
7. AGE: Your computer is age-programmable from 10 to 99 years. If you do not set an age, this function will always
default to age 35.
8. TARGET HEART RATE (TARGET PULSE): The heart rate you should maintain is called your Target Hear Rate in
beats per minute.
9. PULSE RECOVERY: During the START stage, leave the hands holding on grips or leave the chest transmitter
attached and then press "PULSE RECOVERY" key, all function displays will stop except "TIME". Time starts
counting from 00:60 - 00:59 - - to 00:00. As soon as 00:00 is reached, the computer will show your heart rate
recovery status with the grade F1.0 to F6.0.
Note: If no pulse signal input then the computer will show "P" on the PULSE window. If the computer shows "ERR"
on the message window, please re-press the PULSE RECOVERY key and please make sure your hands are keeping
well on the grips or the chest transmitter is attached well.
10.TEMPERATURE: Display the current temperature.
Key function:
There are 6 button keys and the function description as follows:
1. START/STOP key:
a. Quick Start function: Allows you to start the computer without selecting a program. Manual .workout only. Time
automatically begins to count up from zero
1.0<F<2.0 means EXCELLENT
2.0≦F≦2.9 means GOOD
3.0≦F≦3.9 means FAIR
4.0≦F≦5.9 means BELOW AVERAGE
means POOR