Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

Change the choice "Yes" or "no" with (◄-) or (►+) and
validate your choice with (OK).
- If you select "no", you will be invited to create a program
for Tuesday (repeat the previous method to build it.)
- If you select "Yes", you will have the possibility to copy
the program to the following day (on Tuesday on
Wednesday... up to the last day of the week
(7 Sunday).
When you press (OK) on the last day (7 Sunday) you will
be invited to "SAVE" your program.
Then the message "Save" and blinking green LED
Press (OK) key to save your program and return to AUTO
operating mode following your user program.
- At any time you can exit the program creation mode by
pressing several times on the escape key (
) to go back
up the made stages.

Holiday mode

Press (i) and (◄-) or (►+) to reach the Holiday mode.


Table des Matières

Produits Connexes pour Purmo 51044

Table des Matières