The warranty covers material and assembly defects which, subject to inspection by
us or our representative, are deemed to be faults or defi ciencies that prevent normal
use of the parts concerned. Such affected parts shall be sent to your Logitrans
dealer carriage paid within the warranty period in force at the time in question,
together with a copy of the documentation for the service performed (B284).
The warranty does not cover normal wear and adjustments
The warranty period is based on singleshift working
The warranty shall no longer apply if
the product has been used incorrectly
the product is used in environments for which it was not designed
the product has been overloaded
replacements of parts have been made incorrectly or original parts have not been
used and consequential damages have arisen
if the product is changed or accessories, not being approved by Logitrans, are
it can not be proved that a qualifi ed technician has performed the service check
according to the requirements stated in the instruction manual
Liability exemption
The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for personal injury or material damage
arising from defi ciencies, defects or improper usage. The manufacturer accepts
no responsibility for lost earnings, operating losses, lost time, lost profi ts or similar
indirect losses incurred by the purchaser or a third party.
Periodic service check
Service check is required once each year.
The service check is to be performed on the basis of form no. B280 and proved on
form no. B284. Forms and instructions for the service check are available at your
Periodic safety inspection
Safety inspection should be performed by the dealer or other qualifi ed persons at
least once each year, unless local regulations state otherwise.
The safety inspection to be performed on the basis of form no. B278 and proved on
form no. B284. Forms and instructions for the safety inspection are available at your