For lead acid, AGM, MF, GEL, STD and LFP batteries
with capacities ranging from 4-120 Ah
In order to avoid the risk of damages, short circuits or fires, we recommend you to follow all the information repor-
ted in this manual.
A) Battery with cell caps (maintenance):
– Remove the battery from the car in order to avoid any possible risk of damage to the alternator (we suggest you to
completely remove the battery from the car in order not to expose the car to the risk of damages due to the liquid
that can leak from the elements of the battery).
– Remove the cell caps from the battery and reinstall them only after finishing the charging process. This way, the gas
which may form, will be able to safely dissolve (some acid may leak out of the battery during the charging process).
– Check that the amount of liquid contained in every element of the battery is on the recommended level.
If not, fill in the elements with ionized or distilled water. – Do not use tap water under any
B) Battery without cell caps (without maintenance)
For all the batteries without cell caps, we recommend you to follow the instructions reported on the manual of
your car.
Battery charger setting is the same for batteries AGM, GEL, STD etc.
1. Connect the positive pole of the battery charger (red) to the positive pole of the battery (marked with P or +)
2. Connect the negative pole of the battery charger (black) to the negative pole of the battery (marked with N or -).
Note: be sure that the clips are properly connected to the correspondant poles.
3. Insert the plug (230V). The [LFP] symbol will light on and will show 000V.
4. Press [MODE] button to select the type of battery that will be charged (motorcycle/car).
5. While charging the symbol
When the battery is fully charged, the symbol of the battery will be represented full on the screen. Lead acid batteries
(12V standard): it will be shown 13.0V on the screen and the symbol
will start automatically. For LFP batteries there is any float charging process, the charging process will re-start once
the battery level will drop below 13.0V.
For AGM charging mode, floating process will start once max. voltage reachs 14.7V.
Connect the plug, on the lead acid battery charging mode, press [MODE] button for three seconds in order to start
the desulfation process and the symbol
will light gradually one notch at a time.
will light on, it will then start automatically (from this moment it will not
will appear to be full, then the float mode