The door may be ajar. >>> Fully close
the door.
There is condensation on the product's
exterior or between the doors.
The amb ent weather may be hum d,
th s s qu te normal n hum d weather.
>>> The condensat on w ll d ss pate
when the hum d ty s reduced.
The interior smells bad.
The product s not cleaned regularly.
>>> Clean the nter or regularly us ng
sponge, warm water and carbonated
Certa n holders and packag ng
mater als may cause odour. >>>
Use holders and packag ng mater als
w thout free of odour.
The foods were placed n unsealed
holders. >>> Keep the foods n
sealed holders. M cro-organ sms
may spread out of unsealed food
tems and cause malodour. Remove
any exp red or spo lt foods from the
The door is not closing.
Food packages may be block ng
the door. >>> Relocate any tems
block ng the doors.
The product s not stand ng n full
upr ght pos t on on the ground. >>>
Adjust the stands to balance the
The ground s not level or durable.
>>> Make sure the ground s level
and suff c ently durable to bear the
The vegetable bin is jammed.
The food tems may be n contact
w th the upper sect on of the drawer.
>>> Reorgan ze the food tems n the
Refrigerator / User Manual
If The Surface Of The Product Is Hot.
H gh temperatures may be observed
between the two doors, on the s de
panels and at the rear gr ll wh le
the product s operat ng. Th s s
normal and does not requ re serv ce
ma ntenance!Be careful when
touch ng these areas.
If the problem persists after following the
instructions in this section, contact your vendor
or an Authorised Service. Do not try to repair the
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