The LORENTZ CONNECTED portfolio takes water pumping
to the next level. If offers a range of features for monitoring
and managing pumps, even remotely over the internet.
CONNECTED - a new water pumping experience.
11.1 DataModule
The LORENTZ PS DataModule is an integrated data logger
and remote control device for the whole PS2 range of
helical, centrifugal and surface pumps. Together with the
PumpScanner App for Android™, the LORENTZ Commu-
nicator and pumpMANAGER, the PS DataModule opens
new opportunities in drinking water supply for people and
livestock, irrigation and swimming pool applications. The PS
DataModule collects performance data from the pump sys-
tem and stores it for periodic collection. It uses Bluetooth™
to communicate with the LORENTZ PumpScanner Android™
App and via Communicator with the browser based pump-
MANAGER service, allowing secure data collection without
physical connections.
The PS DataModule opens up new opportunities to improve
customer service, knowledge and certainty.
11.2 PumpScanner
PumpScanner allows you and your customers to monitor
and manage your PS, PS2 and PSk2 solar pumps from a
smartphone or tablet. This exciting development for the
LORENTZ pump systems is a clear differentiator from the
competitor offerings.
PumpScanner will give you detailed information about the
pumps' operational status and help you to fault find any
problems more effectively, so saving you money, time and
effort. You can download PumpScanner and see the demo
features today without any additional equipment.
PumpScanner runs on the Android™ operating system
which is found in many smart phones and tablets. More
information is available on LORENTZ partnerNET at
and at www.lorentz.de/connected.