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Sana 878 Manuel D'instructions page 11


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10. Sorbet screen
Product Specifications
5.75" x 3.75"
5.6 oz
How to use sorbet screen
1. 1. Insert sorbet screen into the juicing chamber by
Insert sorbet screen into the juicing chamber by
aligning the large and small tabs of the screen with the
aligning the large and small tabs of the screen with the
grooves in the juicing chamber. The rotating brush is
grooves in the juicing chamber. The rotating brush is
not used with the sorbet screen.
not used with the sorbet screen.
2. 2. Push the auger all the way into the screen
Push the auger all the way into the screen
3. 3. Align the vertical [
Align the vertical [ I I ] mark on the hopper with the
] mark on the hopper with the
unlock symbol [
unlock symbol [
] on the juicing chamber. Turn the
] on the juicing chamber. Turn the
hopper clockwise until the vertical mark on the hopper
hopper clockwise until the vertical mark on the hopper
is aligned with the lock symbol on the juicing chamber.
is aligned with the lock symbol on the juicing chamber.
For safety reasons, the hopper will not lock if the com-
For safety reasons, the hopper will not lock if the com-
ponents have been assembled incorrectly.
ponents have been assembled incorrectly.
4. 4. Close the juice cap.
Close the juice cap.
5. 5. Insert the pulp container under the pulp outlet. The
Insert the pulp container under the pulp outlet. The
sorbet will come out throught the pulp outlet.
sorbet will come out throught the pulp outlet.
6. 6. Turn on the juicer and slowly insert cut pieces of fro-
Turn on the juicer and slowly insert cut pieces of fro-
zen fruit. Use slightly thawed frozen fruit cut into sizes to
zen fruit. Use slightly thawed frozen fruit cut into sizes to
fit in the hole in the hopper lid.
fit in the hole in the hopper lid.
7. 7. Add frozen fruit pieces one by one, and alternate in-
Add frozen fruit pieces one by one, and alternate in-
gredients if using multiple ingredients.
gredients if using multiple ingredients.
8. 8. When finished, turn off and unplug the juicer, and im-
When finished, turn off and unplug the juicer, and im-
mediately clean the hopper and juicing parts.
mediately clean the hopper and juicing parts.
• Do not fill the hopper with frozen fruit. Only
feed pieces individually and slowly through the
hole in the hopper lid.
• Allow frozen fruit to slightly thaw, especially
dense fruit like strawberries.
• Make sure the frozen fruit is cut into pieces so
larger than the hole of the hopper lid.
• Do not add ice, frozen milk, or other frozen liq-
Sorbet screen
• Do not put any hard seeds or pits into the juicer
when making sorbet.
• For creamy results, mix frozen banana, mango,
or avocado pieces with other fruits.



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