The instrument:
1- Battery level
2- GPS Status
3- Max. climb rate
4- Current glide ratio
5- Analog vario
6- Vario
7- Ground speed
8- Max. sink rate
9- Wind speed
10 - Wind direction
11- Distance from take-off
12- Heading
13- Thermal ball
14- Distance to thermal
15- Altimeter
16- Volume level
17- Clock / Flight time
18- Up key / Sound level
19 - Power / Menu
20 - Down Key / ALT1 ALT2 switching
21 - Reset ALT 2 / Enter Key
22- Velcro
23- Serial number
24- Reset
25- Lanyard hole
Display layout
Battery level - This indicates the battery level of your
GPS status - This indicates the quality of the GPS
signal. When blinking is searching for GPS signal,
when fixed with 2D or 3D mode means that the in-
strument is ready to fly.
Máx. climb rate - This value indicates the maximum
climb rate achieved during the current flight.
Current Glide ratio - This field indicates your current
glide ratio.
Analog Vario- This indicates graphically, your cur-
rent vario ratio.
Integrated Vario - This value indicates the climb/
sink rate, numerically.
Ground Speed - This value indicates your ground
Max. sink rate - This value indicates the maximum
sink rate achieved during the current flight.
Wind speed - This value indicates the calculated
wind speed.
Wind direction - This rotational arrow indicates
where the wind comes from. Your position is on the
center of the wheel.
Distance from Take Off - This value indicates your
straight line distance from T.O.
Heading - This value indicates your heading in de-
Thermal ball - This rotational ball indicates the posi-
tion relative to you of the last thermal. Your position
is on the center of the wheel.
Distance to thermal - This value indicates the dis-
tance from the last thermal.
Altimeter - This value indicates your current altitude.
Volume level - This indicates the volume level of the
GPS LS speaker (Mute, Low, Medium, High).
Clock/Flight Time - This value indicates the current
time. Also it shows the current flight duration.