WEEE-Declaration / Dispose
Your product is designed and manufactured with materials and components of high quality,
which are recyclable and can be reused. The symbol means that your product should be
disposed of separately from household waste when it reaches its end of life. Please dispose
of this equipment at your local collection point or recycling center. Please help to protect
the environment in which we all live
All specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice. All information was correct at
time of printing. Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH does not guarantee for the accuracy or completeness of any
description, photograph or statement contained in this manual. Printed colors and specifications may vary
slightly from product. Products from Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH are only sold through authorized dealer.
Distributors and dealers are not agents of Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH and have no authority to bind
Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH legally in any way. This manual is protected by copyright. Any copying or reprint,
even in excerpts, is only allowed with written consent of Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH. The same applies to
reproduction or copying of images, even in altered form. The CE-marking which is made on your product
and/or packing resp. user manual confirms the compliance of the product with all for this item related
harmonized EC directives. You can download the EC declaration of conformity for this item under
download link below:
Please replace the placeholder „xxxxx" by the last 5 digits of the product article number.
Musikhaus Kirstein GmbH
Bernbeurener Str. 11
86956 Schongau
Telefon: 0049-8861-909494-0
Telefax: 0049-8861-909494-19