Connect the flood detector (14), the soil
Connect the flood detector (14), the soil
temperature sensor (12) and the soil moisture
temperature sensor (12) and the soil moisture
sensors (13) respec vely, to the module
sensors (13) respec vely, to the module
outlets (1, 2, 3).
Introduce the temperature sensor two
Introduce the temperature sensor two
cen meters deep in the soil and spike the
cen meters deep in the soil and spike the
moisture sensors in the soil, leaving the p two
moisture sensors in the soil, leaving the p two
cen meters above the soil surface.
To avoid incorrect calcula ons, place the
To avoid incorrect calcula ons, place the
moisture sensor far from the irriga on source.
moisture sensor far from the irriga on source.
Lastly, place the flood detector in the soil near
Lastly, place the flood detector in the soil near
the pots, avoiding its exposure to the excess
the pots, avoiding its exposure to the excess
water drained from irriga on.