BVS 20 ATEX E 082
The generally recognized rules of engineer-
ing, IEC 60079-14 'Electrical installations
design, selection and erection', national reg-
ulations and the instructions set out in this
manual apply for the installation and opera-
The data on the type label is binding!
Ambient temperature
To keep the permissible surface temperatures
within the admissible limits, the ambient temper-
ature shall not fall below or exceed the range –
20 °C to 50 °C. When considering temperature
conditions, the effects of other heat sources or
direct sunlight shall be taken into account. These
shall not be allowed to heat up the LED tube
lights unduly.
Mounting location
The explosionproof LED tube luminaires, type
Gb34, are mounted with a metal pipe clamp.
This shall be fitted in such a way that the con-
ductive contact strips can be contacted and the
equipotential bonding connected.
Connection of cable
The cable shall be connected in an enclosure in
a recognized type of protection in accordance
with IEC 60079-0 (for example, in a connection
box in the type of protection 'Increased Safety e)'
for which an EU Type Examination Certificate is
is available.
Equipotential bonding
The LED tube luminaires have no external con-
nection for equipotential bonding. The conduc-
tive contact strips are contacted by the mounting
with pipe clamps. The pipe clamps shall be con-
nected to the equipotential bonding.
Edition August 2022
thuba Ltd., CH-4002 Basel