4. Lighting and burning
4.1 Instructions
Observe the following instructions for a good and safe operation of your fire:
Have your flue duct checked by a recognized specialist for blockage and contamination if you have not burned the
fire for some time.
4.2 Lighting
Observe the following steps for lighting and burning your fire:
If necessary, remove a part of the ash with the supplied ash scoop (see section 5.4).
If necessary, clean the glass pane (see section 6.6).
If applicable, open the flue valve.
Fully open the air supply using the air supply slide (with indication closed/open, see Appendix 2, Fig. 3a and 3b);
Place 2 small wood blocks in the combustion chamber, lengthwise (see Appendix 2, Fig. 4);
Stack kindlings crosswise on the 2 wood blocks and place a firelighter on top of it (see Appendix 2, Fig. 5).
Make sure that sufficient air is able to flow through the stack of wood, so that the wood will easily ignite.
Light the firelighter and, if applicable, a ball of paper.
Close the fire door, it may be left open a little bit, if necessary, until the kindlings have caught fire.
Allow the fire to burn through properly in order to heat up the flue duct. In this way, a good draught is created.
To keep the glass pane clean, allow the fire to burn hot until it burns out.
4.3 Burning
Allow the fire to continue burning on small wood blocks until a properly burning fire is created with a glowing
ember bed.
In case of a wide fire: now distribute the glowing fire bed over the fire's width and place a few more small wood
blocks on top of it.
Control the output with the air supply slide only after approx. 15-20 minutes when there is a properly burning fire
with ember bed. Simply allow the appliance to continue burning using the air supply slide.
Then fill the fire with larger wood blocks (see table 2 in Appendix 1 for the amount) after the small wood blocks
have been burnt for a large part.
If necessary, further open the air supply slide for a moment, to allow the fire to burn properly again.
Make sure that wood blocks do not fall/lie against the glass pane.
For good combustion and optimal ease of use, always heat the appliance to capacity.
Have the flue duct inspected and cleaned by a specialist at least once or twice per year. The flue duct must be
clean and function properly for your fire to be used safely and without any problems.
use the right fuel only (see section 5.1);
observe the maximum amount of wood blocks as stated in Appendix 1, Tabel 2;
make sure that sufficient fresh air is supplied (see section 5.2);
in case of a fire in the chimney, close the air supply, extinguish the wood fire with sand and call the fire
never extinguish the wood fire with water;
do not clean the fire with a vacuum cleaner (see section 5.4).
preferably, do not burn the fire during misty and/or windless weather in order to prevent (smoke) nuisance;
burn a fire with the door closed. It is only opened to fill additional wood;
a properly heated flue duct is necessary for the draught in the duct;
a high combustion temperature will keep the flue duct clean.
do not place a wood block diagonal in front of the air supply;
do not start with large wood blocks, build up the fire calmly;
Carefully pace the wood blocks in the fire in order to prevent the inner lining from getting damaged.
Be particularly cautious in case of wood stems with side branches;
Place the wood blocks loosely on top of each other and make sure they can be reached by sufficient air;
If the fire is not burning properly, you can temporarily open the air supply slide further;
Do not only use soft wood, but mix it with hard wood in particular.