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Liens rapides

Important Safety Instructions
This manual contains instructions and warnings that should be followed during the installation, operation and storage of all
Tripp Lite UPS Systems. Failure to heed these warnings will void your warranty.
UPS Location Warnings
• The UPS is designed for indoor use only in a controlled environment, away from excess moisture, heat/cold, conductive contam-
inants, dust or direct sunlight.
• Leave adequate space around all sides of the UPS for proper ventilation.
UPS Connection Warnings
• Connect your UPS directly to a properly grounded AC power outlet. Do not plug the UPS into itself; this will damage the UPS.
• Do not modify the UPS's plug, and do not use an adapter that would eliminate the UPS's ground connection.
• Do not use extension cords to connect the UPS to an AC outlet. Your warranty will be voided if anything other than Tripp Lite
surge suppressors are used to connect your UPS to an outlet.
• If the UPS receives power from a motor-powered AC generator, the generator must provide clean, filtered, computer-grade output.
• The UPS contains its own energy source (battery). The output terminals may be live even when the UPS is not connected to an AC
Equipment Connection Warnings
• Do not use Tripp Lite UPS Systems for life support applications in which a malfunction or failure of a Tripp Lite UPS System could
cause failure or significantly alter the performance of a life support device.
• Do not connect surge suppressors or extension cords to the output of your UPS. This might damage the UPS and will void the surge
suppressor and UPS warranties.
Battery Warnings
• Your UPS does not require routine maintenance. Do not open your UPS for any reason. There are no user-serviceable parts inside.
• Batteries can present a risk of electrical shock and burn from high short-circuit current. Observe proper precautions. Do not dis-
pose of the batteries in a fire. Do not open the UPS or batteries. Do not short or bridge the battery terminals with any object. Unplug
and turn off the UPS before performing battery replacement. Use tools with insulated handles. There are no user-serviceable parts
inside the UPS. Battery replacement should be performed only by authorized service personnel using the same number and type
of batteries (sealed Lead-Acid). The batteries are recyclable. Refer to your local codes for disposal requirements or in the USA
only call 1-800-SAV-LEAD or 1-800-8-BATTERY (1-800-822-8837) or visit www.rbrc.com for recycling information. Tripp Lite
offers a complete line of replacement batteries at www.tripplite.com.
• Do not attempt to add an external battery pack to the UPS unless your model includes an external battery pack connector. When
adding an external battery pack to select models, connect only a Tripp Lite-recommended battery pack of the correct voltage and
type. Do not connect or disconnect an external battery pack when the UPS is operating on battery power.
Quick Installation
STEP 1: Install the UPS in either a horizontal (rackmount) or vertical (tower) configuration.
SMART1500LCD and SMART1500XLCD: To install the UPS in a 4-post rack, attach the included mounting hardware to the
UPS as shown in diagram
. To mount the UPS in a 2-post rack, attach the included hardware to the UPS as shown in diagram
. Then, using an assistant if necessary, lift the UPS and attach it to a standard rack or rack enclosure with user-supplied hard-
ware. The UPS will stand in a tower position without the aid of the included hardware. However, for added stability Tripp Lite
recommends that the included hardware be attached as shown in diagram
common rack and rack enclosure types and may not be appropriate for all applications.
SMART1200LCD: The UPS may be installed in a freestanding tower configuration. For 2U rackmount installation an option-
al shelf, available separately from Tripp Lite, is required. The user must determine the fitness of hardware and procedures before
STEP 2: Plug the UPS into an outlet that doesn't share a circuit with a heavy electrical load.*
* An air conditioner, refrigerator, etc.
After plugging the UPS into a wall outlet, push the ON/OFF button for one second to turn the UPS on (see Basic Operation sec-
tion). Please Note! The UPS will not turn on automatically in the presence of live utility power.
STEP 3: Plug your equipment into the UPS.
* Your UPS is designed to support electronic equipment only. You will overload the UPS if the total VA ratings for all the equipment you connect to the outlets exceeds the UPS's
Output Capacity. To find your equipment's VA ratings, look on their nameplates. If the equipment is listed in amps, multiply the number of amps by 120 to determine VA. (Example:
1 amp × 120 = 120 VA). If you are unsure if you have overloaded the outlets, run a self-test (see "MUTE/TEST" Button description).
STEP 4: Optional Installation. All models include USB and RS-232 communication ports as well as Tel/DSL/network surge
protection jacks. Select models also include an external battery pack connector. These connections are optional; the UPS will
work properly without these connections. See the connector's description in the Basic Operation section for connection instructions.
Basic Operation
(Front Panel)
"ON/OFF" Button
• To turn the UPS on: Press and hold the ON/OFF Button for one second.* If utility power is absent, pressing the Button will
"cold-start" the UPS, i.e. turn it on and supply power from its battery.**
• To turn the UPS off: Press and hold the ON/OFF Button for one second.* The UPS will be turned completely off (deactivated).
* The alarm will beep once briefly after one second has passed. ** Providing runtime proportionate to the UPS battery's level of charge.
"MUTE/TEST" Button
• To Silence (or "Mute") UPS Alarms: briefly press and release the MUTE/TEST button. Note: continuous alarms (warning
you to immediately shut down connected equipment) cannot be silenced.
• To Run a Self-Test: with your UPS plugged in and turned on, press and hold the MUTE/TEST button for two seconds.
Continue holding the button until the alarm beeps several times and the UPS performs a self-test. See "Results of a Self-Test"
below. Note: you can leave connected equipment on during a self-test.
CAUTION! Do not unplug your UPS to test its battery. This will remove safe electrical grounding and may introduce a
damaging surge into your network connections.
Results of a Self-Test: The test will last approximately 10 seconds as the UPS switches to battery to test its load capacity and
charge. All LCD Display icons will be illuminated and the UPS alarm will sound.
• If the "FAULT" icon remains lit and the alarm continues to sound after the test, the outlets are overloaded. To clear the
overload, unplug some of your equipment from the outlets and run the self-test repeatedly until the "FAULT" icon is no
longer lit and the alarm is no longer sounding.
CAUTION! Any overload that is not corrected by the user immediately following a self-test may cause the UPS to shut
down and cease supplying output power in the event of a blackout or brownout.
• If the "REPLACE" icon remains lit and the alarm continues to sound after the test, the UPS batteries need to be recharged
or replaced. Allow the UPS to recharge continuously for 12 hours, and repeat the self-test. If the icon continues to
illuminate after repeated self tests, contact Tripp Lite for service. Battery replacement should only be performed by
qualified service personnel. If the UPS requires battery replacement, Tripp Lite offers a complete line of replacement
batteries at www.tripplite.com.
LCD Display
The LCD Display indicates a variety of UPS operational conditions. All descriptions apply when the UPS is plugged into an AC
outlet and turned on. The LCD Display can be rotated for easy viewing, regardless of whether the UPS is in a horizontal or ver-
tical ("tower") position. To rotate the display, insert a small tool in the slots on the sides of the display to pop it out of the UPS
housing; rotate the display, and snap it back into the UPS housing.
3a) "INPUT VOLTAGE" Meter: This meter measures, in real time, the AC voltage that the UPS system is receiving from
the utility wall outlet. Although the meter may occasionally display input voltages which stray (due to poor quality utility serv-
ice) outside the range of standard computer tolerance, rest assured that the UPS is designed (through the use of automatic volt-
age regulation) to continuously supply connected equipment with stable, computer-grade output voltage. In the event of a
blackout (power loss), severe brownout (low power) or overvoltage (high power), the UPS will rely on its internal battery to
supply computer-grade output voltage. The Input Voltage Meter can be used as a diagnostic tool to identify poor quality input
power. By plugging the UPS into different outlets within a facility, you can identify individual circuits that are consistently
providing low power, which can be caused by the combined equipment load demanding more power than the circuit is designed
to supply. If all circuits within a facility consistently provide low power, the facility may be served by inadequate utility serv-
ice or may be in an industrial or commercial area with an overburdened power grid.
3b) "BATTERY CAPACITY" Meter: This meter displays the approximate charge level (in 20% increments) of the UPS's
internal battery. During a blackout or severe brownout, the UPS will switch to battery power, the "ON BAT" icon will be illu-
minated, and the charge level will deplete.
3c) "AVR" (Automatic Voltage Regulation) Icon: This icon will illuminate whenever your UPS is automatically correcting
low AC line voltage without depleting battery power. This is a normal, automatic operation of your UPS, and no action is
required on your part.
3d) "REPLACE" (Battery Recharge/Replace) Icon: This icon will illuminate and an alarm will sound after a self-test to
indicate the UPS battery needs to be recharged or replaced. Allow the UPS to recharge continuously for 12 hours, and repeat
the self-test. If the icon continues to illuminate, contact Tripp Lite for service. Battery replacement should only be performed
by qualified service personnel. If the UPS requires battery replacement, Tripp Lite offers a complete line of replacement bat-
teries at www.tripplite.com.
3e) "ON BAT" (On Battery) Icon: During a severe brownout or blackout, this icon illuminates and an alarm sounds (4 short
beeps followed by a pause) to indicate the UPS is operating from its internal batteries. Monitor the "Battery Capacity" Meter
to determine the approximate battery charge level available to support equipment. During a prolonged brownout or blackout,
the alarm will sound continuously (and the "BATTERY CAPACITY" Meter will show one 20% capacity segment shaded) to
indicate the UPS's batteries are nearly out of power; you should save files and shut down your equipment immediately.
3f) "FAULT" Icon: This icon will illuminate and an alarm will sound after a self-test to indicate the outlets are overloaded.
To clear the overload, unplug some of your equipment from the outlets and run the self-test repeatedly until the icon is no
longer illuminated and the alarm is no longer sounding.
CAUTION! Any overload that is not corrected by the user immediately following a self-test may cause the UPS to shut
down and cease supplying output power in the event of a blackout or brownout.
Sistemas UPS digitales
No apropiado para aplicaciones móviles
Instrucciones de seguridad importantes
Este manual contiene instrucciones y advertencias que deben seguirse durante la instalación, operación y almacenamiento de todos los
UPS de Tripp Lite. El incumplimiento de estas advertencias anulará su garantía.
Advertencias sobre la ubicación del UPS
• El UPS está diseñado sólo para empleo en interiores en un ambiente controlado, lejos del exceso de humedad, calor/frío, contaminantes
conductores, polvo o luz solar directa.
• Deje una cantidad de espacio adecuada alrededor del UPS para una buena ventilación.
Advertencias sobre la conexión del UPS
• Conecte su UPS directamente a una toma de corriente de CA puesta a tierra apropiadamente. No conecte el UPS a si mismo ya que se dañará.
• No modifique el enchufe del UPS ni emplee un adaptador que elimine su conexión a tierra.
• No use cordones de extensión para conectar el UPS a una toma de CA. Su garantía quedará anulada si utiliza cualquier dispositivo que no
sea un supresor de sobretensiones Tripp Lite para conectar su UPS a una toma de corriente.
• Si el UPS recibe energía de un generador de CA accionado por motor, el generador debe proporcionar una salida limpia y filtrada de grado
• El UPS contiene su propia fuente de energía (batería). Los terminales de salida pueden estar con energía, incluso cuando el UPS no está
conectado a un suministro de corriente alterna.
Advertencias sobre la conexión de equipos
• No utilice sistemas UPS de Tripp Lite para aplicaciones de soporte de vida en las que un funcionamiento defectuoso o una falla del UPS
pudiera causar un mal funcionamiento o una alteración importante en el funcionamiento de un dispositivo de soporte de vida.
• No conecte supresores de sobretensiones ni cordones de extensión a la salida de su UPS. Esto puede dañar el UPS y anular las garantías del
supresor y del UPS.
Advertencias sobre la batería
• Su UPS no requiere ningún mantenimiento de rutina. No lo abra por ningún motivo. No hay partes en su interior que requieran manten-
imiento por parte del usuario.
• Las baterías presentan un peligro de choque eléctrico y quemaduras como producto de las altas corrientes de cortocircuito. Observe las pre-
cauciones apropiadas. No deseche las baterías en un incinerador. No abra el UPS ni las baterías. No ponga los terminales de las baterías en
corto o en puente con ningún objeto. Apague y desconecte el UPS antes de reemplazar una batería. Use herramientas con mangos aislados.
No hay piezas que el usuario pueda reparar dentro del UPS. El reemplazo de baterías debe ser realizado solamente por personal de servicio
autorizado usando la misma cantidad y tipo de baterías (plomo-ácido, selladas). Las baterías son reciclables. Consulte la reglamentación
local para los requisitos de disposición de desechos; en los EE.UU. llame al 1-800-SAV-LEAD o al 1-800-8-BATTERY (1-800-822-8837)
o visite www.rbrc.com para obtener información sobre el proceso de reciclaje. Tripp Lite ofrece una línea completa de baterías de reempla-
zo en www.tripplite.com.
• No trate de agregar un banco externo de baterías al UPS a menos que su modelo incluya un conector para banco externo de baterías. Si va
a agregarlo a un modelo exclusivo, solo conecte un banco recomendado por Tripp Lite del tipo y voltaje correctos. No conecte ni desconecte
un banco externo de baterías cuando el UPS esté funcionando con energía de baterías.
Instalación rápida
PASO 1: Coloque el UPS en posición horizontal (montaje en bastidor) o vertical ("torre").
SMART1500LCD y SMART1500XLCD: Para montar el UPS en un bastidor de 4 postes, conecte los accesorios incluidos al UPS como
se observa en el diagrama
. Para montar el UPS en un bastidor de 2 postes, conecte los acesorios incluidos al UPS como se observa en
el diagrama
. Luego, con un ayudante si es necesario, levante el UPS y móntelo en un bastidor estándar o en una caja de bastidor con
los materiales suministrados por el usuario. El UPS podrá estar en la posición de torre sin ayuda del material incluido. Sin embargo, para
la estabilidad de additonal, Tripp Lite le recomienda conectar los accesorios incluidos como se observa en el diagrama
material incluido están diseñados para bastidores comunes y cajas de bastidor, y pueden no ser apropiados para todas las aplicaciones.
SMART1200LCD: El UPS se puede instalar en la posición de torre. Para instalación de bastidor (2U) un estante opcional, disponible de
Tripp Lite, se requiere. El usuario debe determinar la idoneidad de los materiales, accesorios y procedimientos antes del montaje.
PASO 2: Conecte el UPS en una toma de corriente que no comparta el circuito con ninguna carga eléctrica pesada.*
* Un equipo de aire acondicionado, un refrigerador, etc.
Después de conectar el UPS en un tomacorriente de pared, presione el botón ON/OFF (ENCENDIDO/APAGADO) durante un segundo
para encender el UPS (vea la sección Operación básica). Nota importante. El UPS no se encenderá automáticamente cuando haya volta-
je en la red.
PASO 3: Conecte sus equipos al UPS.
* Su UPS sólo está diseñado para dar soporte a equipos electrónicos. Si la capacidad total en VA para todos los equipos conectados a las salidas excede la capacidad de salida
del UPS, éste se sobrecargará. Para averiguar la capacidad de sus equipos en VA, revise sus placas. Si la capacidad del equipo está indicada en amperios, multiplique los ampe-
rios por 120 para determinar los VA. (Ejemplo: 1 amperio X 120 = 120 VA) Si no está seguro de si ha sobrecargado las salidas, ejecute una auto-prueba (vea la descripción del
PASO 4: Instalación opcional. Todos los modelos incluyen puertos de comunicación USB y R-232 así como conectores con protección con-
tra sobretensiones para línea de teléfono/DSL/red. Los modelos exclusivos incluyen también un conector para banco externo de baterías.
Estas conexiones son opcionales; el UPS funcionará correctamente sin ellas. Consulte las instrucciones de conexión en la descripción del
conector en la sección Operación Básica.
Botón ON/OFF
Salidas de CA
Puerto USB
Conectores para tel/DSL
Conector Para Banco
Externo de Baterías
Owner's Manual
Digital UPS Systems
Not suitable for mobile applications
. The UPS and included hardware are designed for
Manual del propietario • Manuel du propriétaire
Puerto RS-232
Pantalla LCD
Accesorios para
Montaje Desmontable
ON/OFF Button
AC Outlets
Tel/DSL/Network Jacks
Basic Operation
AC Outlets: All outlets provide connected equipment with AC line power (backed by surge protection and line noise filtering)
during normal operation. Automatic voltage regulation continually corrects brownout (low voltage) and high voltage conditions
without using battery power. All outlets provide battery power during blackouts and severe brownout or severe high voltage
USB and RS-232 Communication Ports: These ports can connect your UPS to any computer for automatic file saves and
unattended shutdown in the event of a power failure. Use with Tripp Lite's PowerAlert Software (available as a FREE download
at www.tripplite.com) and appropriate USB or DB9 cable. A USB or DB9 cable may be included with your UPS. If the
appropriate cable did not come with your UPS, any user-supplied DB9 pass-through or USB cable may then be used to connect
your UPS to your computer. Note: This connection is optional. The UPS will work properly without this connection. Also Note:
This UPS System provides basic communication compatibility with most integrated Windows
management applications.
Tel/DSL/Network Line Surge Protection Jacks: Your UPS has jacks that protect against surges on a single phone, fax, modem
or Ethernet network line. Using appropriate telephone or network cords connect your wall jack to the UPS jack marked "IN."
Connect your equipment to the UPS jack marked "OUT." Make sure the equipment you connect to the UPS's jacks is also
protected against surges on the AC line. Connecting your equipment to these jacks is optional. Your UPS will work properly
without this connection. Not compatible with PoE (Power Over Ethernet) applications.
External Battery Pack Connector (Select Models Only): Use to connect a Tripp Lite external battery pack for additional
runtime. Refer to instructions available with the battery pack for complete connection information and safety warnings. The UPS
comes with a robust internal battery system; an external battery pack is needed only to extend runtime. Adding an external
battery pack will increase recharge time as well as runtime. Make sure that cables are fully inserted into their connectors. Small
sparks may result during battery connection; this is normal. Do not connect or disconnect an external battery pack when the UPS
is running on battery power.
Removable Mounting Hardware (SMART1500LCD and SMART1500XLCD): Adapts the UPS to either tower or
rackmount (2U) applications.
Power Sensitivity Dial: This dial is normally set fully counterclockwise, which enables the UPS to protect against waveform
distortions in its AC input. When such distortion occurs, the UPS will normally switch to providing PWM sinewave power from
its battery reserves for as long as the distortion is present. In some areas with poor utility power or where the UPS's input power
comes from a backup generator, frequent brownouts and/or chronic waveform distortion could cause the UPS to switch to battery
too often, draining its battery reserves. You may be able to reduce how often your UPS switches to battery due to waveform
distortion or brownouts by experimenting with different settings for this dial. As the dial is turned clockwise, the UPS becomes
more tolerant of variations in its input power's AC waveform. NOTE: The further the dial is adjusted clockwise, the greater the
degree of waveform distortion the UPS will allow to pass to connected equipment. When experimenting with different settings
for this dial, operate connected equipment in a safe test mode so that the effect on the equipment of any waveform distortions in
the UPS's output can be evaluated without disrupting critical operations. The experiment should last long enough to assure that
all expected line conditions are encountered.
Battery Replacement: Under normal conditions, the original battery in your UPS will last several years. Battery replacement
should be performed only by qualified service personnel. During battery replacement, qualified service personnel should refer to
"Battery Warnings" in the Safety section. Tripp Lite offers a complete line of replacement batteries at www.tripplite.com.
Storage & Service
To avoid battery drain, all connected equipment should be turned off and disconnected from the UPS. Press and hold the ON/OFF
button for one second. Your UPS will be completely turned off (deactivated), and will be ready for storage. If you plan on storing
your UPS for an extended period, fully recharge the UPS batteries every three months. Plug the UPS into a live AC outlet, turn it on
by pressing and holding the ON/OFF button for one second, and allow the batteries to recharge for 4 to 6 hours. If you leave your
UPS batteries discharged for a long period of time, they will suffer a permanent loss of capacity.
Before returning your UPS for service, follow these steps: 1. Review the installation and operation instructions in this manual to
ensure that the service problem does not originate from a misreading of the instructions. 2. If the problem continues, do not contact
or return the UPS to the dealer. Instead, call Tripp Lite at (773) 869-1233. A service technician will ask for the UPS's model number,
serial number and purchase date and will attempt to correct the problem over the phone. 3. If the problem requires service, the
technician will issue you a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number, which is required for service. If you require packaging,
the technician can arrange to send you proper packaging. Securely pack the UPS to avoid damage during shipping. Do not use
Styrofoam beads for packaging. Any damages (direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential) to the UPS incurred during
shipment to Tripp Lite or an authorized Tripp Lite service center is not covered under warranty. UPS Systems shipped to Tripp Lite
or an authorized Tripp Lite service center must have transportation charges prepaid. Mark the RMA number on the outside of the
package. If the UPS System is within the 2-year warranty period, enclose a copy of your sales receipt. Return the UPS for service
using an insured carrier to the address given to you by the Tripp Lite service technician.
Visit www.tripplite.com/warranty today to register the warranty for your new Tripp Lite product. You'll be automatically entered
into a drawing for a chance to win a FREE Tripp Lite product! *
* No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Some restrictions apply. See website for details.
FCC Part 68 Notice (United States Only)
If your Modem/Fax Protection causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue your service. If possible, they will notify you in
advance. If advance notice isn't practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. Your telephone
company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the proper operation of your equipment. If it does, you will be given
advance notice to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service. If you experience trouble with this equipment's Modem/Fax Protection, please call Tripp Lite
Technical Support at (773) 869-1234 for repair/warranty information. The telephone company may ask you to disconnect this equipment from the network until the problem
has been corrected or you are sure the equipment is not malfunctioning. There are no repairs that can be made by the customer to the Modem/Fax Protection. This
equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs. (Contact your state public utility
commission or corporation commission for information.)
FCC Radio/TV Interference Notice (U.S. only)
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not
installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference using one or more of the following measures: reorient or relocate the receiving antenna; increase the
separation between the equipment and the receiver; connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that which the receiver is connected; consult the dealer
or an experienced radio/television technician for help. The user must use shielded cables and connectors with this product. Any changes or modifications to this product
not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
rules. Operation is subject to the following 2 conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Equipment Attachment Limitations (models with the Industry Canada label in Canada only)
NOTICE: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets the telecommunications network protective,
operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropriate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements Document(s). The Department does not guarantee the
equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must
also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that the compliance with the above conditions might not prevent degradation
of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or
equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present,
are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas. Caution: Users should not attempt to make connections themselves, but should
contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.
Note on Labeling
Two symbols are used on the label.
V~ : AC Voltage
: DC Voltage
Consignes de sécurité importantes
Ce manuel contient des instructions et avertissements qui doivent être suivis pendant l'installation, l'opération et l'entreposage de tous
les systèmes Tripp Lite UPS. Ne pas vous conformer à ces avertissements annulera votre garantie.
Avertissements de l'environnement de l'UPS
• Le UPS est conçu pour une utilisation à l'intérieur seulement, dans un environnement contrôlé, loin de tout excès d'humidité, de la chaleur
ou du froid, des contaminants conducteurs, de la poussière ou de la lumière directe du soleil.
• Laissez suffisamment d'espace autour de tous les côtés du UPS pour assurer une ventilation adéquate.
Avertissements de connexion du UPS
• Branchez directement votre UPS dans une sortie d'alimentation c.a. adéquatement mise à la terre. Ne branchez pas le UPS en lui-même ;
cela l'endommagerait.
• Ne modifiez pas la prise du UPS et n'utilisez pas un adaptateur qui éliminerait la connexion de mise à la terre du UPS.
• N'utilisez pas de rallonge électrique pour brancher le UPS à une sortie c.a. Votre garantie s'annulera si vous utilisez quoi que ce soit d'autre
que les limiteurs de surtension Tripp Lite pour brancher votre UPS à une sortie.
• Si le UPS reçoit son alimentation d'un générateur c.a. à moteur, ce dernier doit offrir une sortie propre, filtrée et de catégorie ordinateur.
• L'onduleur UPS comprend sa propre source d'énergie (batterie). Les bornes de sortie pourraient donc être alimentées même quand l'onduleur n'est
pas branché sur le secteur.
Avertissements de connexion de l'équipement
• N'utilisez pas le système UPS de Tripp Lite comme système de maintien des fonctions vitales si sa défaillance ou son mauvais fonctionnement
pouvait causer un arrêt ou modifier significativement ce dispositif de maintien.
• Ne branchez ni limiteurs de surtension ni rallonge électrique à la sortie de votre UPS. Cela pourrait endommager le UPS et annulerait les
garanties du limiteur de surtension et du UPS.
Avertissements de pile
• Votre UPS n'exige aucun entretien routinier. N'ouvrez jamais votre UPS. Il ne contient aucune pièce nécessitant un entretien de la part de
• Les piles présentent un risque de choc électrique ou de brûlure à cause du courant élevé du court-circuit. Respectez les précautions appro-
priées. Ne jetez pas les piles au feu. N'ouvrez pas le UPS ou les piles. Ne court-circuitez pas et ne reliez pas les bornes de la pile avec aucun
objet. Débranchez et éteignez le UPS avant de remplacer la pile. Utilisez des outils à poignées isolées. Il n'y a aucune pièce nécessitant un
entretien de la part de l'utilisateur à l'intérieur du UPS. Le remplacement des piles doit être effectué par un personnel de service qualifié et
celles-ci doivent être remplacées par le même nombre et le même type de piles neuves (pile de type accumulateur au plomb scellée). Les
piles sont recyclables. Consultez les codes locaux pour connaître les exigences de mise au rebut, ou aux É.-U. seulement appelez au 1-800-
SAV-LEAD ou au 1-800-8-BATTERY (1-800-8-228-8379) ou encore visitez le site www.rbrc.com pour obtenir des renseignements sur le
recyclage. Tripp Lite offre une gamme complète de piles de remplacement à l'adresse www.tripplite.com.
• Ne pas essayer d'ajouter un bloc de batteries externe à l'onduleur UPS sauf si votre modèle dispose d'un connecteur pour bloc de batteries
externe. o À l'ajout de bloc de batteries externe aux modèles appropriés, ne connecter que des blocs de batteries recommandés par Tripp
Lite, du bon type et du bon voltage. Ne pas connecter ou déconnecter de bloc de batteries externe quand l'onduleur fonctionne sur batterie.
Installation rapide
ÉTAPE 1 : Placer l'onduleur UPS en position horizontale (montage en bâti) ou verticale ("tour").
SMART1500LCD et SMART1500XLCD : Pour monter l'onduleur UPS sur bâti dans un bâti à 4 montants, fixer la quincaillerie incluse
avec l'onduleur comme le montre le schéma
incluse avec l'onduleur comme le montre le schéma
sur un bâti standard ou dans un boîtier avec de la quincaillerie fournie par l'utilisateur. La quincaillerie incluse n'est pas nécessaire pour
. El UPS y el
que l'onduleur UPS tienne en position verticale (tour). Cependant, pour la stabilité supplémentaire, Tripp Lite vous recommande de fixer
la quincaillerie incluse comme le montre le schéma
boîtier courants et peuvent ne pas convenir à toutes les applications.
SMART1200LCD : L'UPS peut être installé dans une configuration de tour. Pour montage sur bâti (2U) une étagère, disponible de Tripp
Lite, est exigé. L'utilisateur doit vérifier la compatibilité de la quincaillerie et les procédures avant d'effectuer l'installation.
ÉTAPE 2: branchez le UPS dans une prise qui ne partage pas son circuit avec une lourde charge électrique.*
* Comme un climatiseur, un réfrigérateur, etc.
Après avoir branché le UPS dans une prise murale, appuyez sur le bouton ON/OFF (marche/arrêt) pendant une seconde pour mettre en
marche le UPS (consultez la section Fonctionnement de base). Prenez note! Le UPS ne se mettra PAS en marche automatiquement au
contact de l'alimentation de service.
ÉTAPE 3 : branchez votre équipement dans le UPS.
* Votre onduleur UPS est seulement conçu pour protéger de l'équipement électronique. Vous surchargerez l'onduleur si la charge nominale totale en VA de tout l'équipement con-
necté aux prises de sortie excède la puissance de sortie de l'onduleur UPS. Pour trouver la charge nominale en Va de votre équipement, regarder sur les plaques signalétiques des
appareils. Si l'équipement est identifié en ampères, multiplier le nombre d'ampères par 120 pour calculer la puissance. (Exemple : 1 A x 120 = 120 VA). Si vous pensez avoir sur-
chargé les prises, faire un auto-test (voir la description du bouton "MUTE/TEST").
ÉTAPE 4 : Installation optionnelle. Tous les modèles disposent de ports de communication USB et RS-232 ainsi que de prises de protec-
tion contre les surtensions pour lignes de téléphone, DSL et réseau.Les modèles sélectionnés disposent aussi d'un connecteur de bloc de
batteries externe. Ces connexions sont optionnelles; l'onduleur UPS fonctionnera correctement sans ces connexions.Voir la description des
connecteurs dans la section Fonctionnement de base pour les instructions de connexion.
Bouton "ON/OFF"
Prises de Sortie CA
Dial sensibilidad
Prises de protection
de energía
1111 W. 35th Street • Chicago, IL 60609 USA
(773) 869-1234 • www.tripplite.com
USB Port
RS-232 Port
External Battery
Removabe Mounting
Pack Connector
(Rear Panel)
Regulatory Compliance Identification Numbers
For the purpose of regulatory compliance certifications and identification, your Tripp Lite product has
been assigned a unique series number. The series number can be found on the product nameplate
label, along with all required approval markings and information. When requesting compliance informa-
tion for this product, always refer to the series number. The series number should not be confused with
the marking name or model number of the product.
Tripp Lite has a policy of continuous improvement. Product specifications are subject to change without
1111 W. 35th Street • Chicago, IL 60609 USA
(773) 869-1234 • www.tripplite.com
Copyright © 2006 Tripp Lite. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Systèmes d'onduleurs numériques
Non adapté aux applications mobiles
. Pour monter l'onduleur UPS sur bâti dans un bâti à 2 montants, fixer la quincaillerie
. Ensuite, au besoin avec l'aide d'un assistant, soulever l'onduleur UPS et le fixer
. L'onduleur UPS et la quincaillerie incluse sont conçus pour des types de bâti et
Port de communication
Port de communication
du USB
du RS-232
Connecteur de Bloc
de Batteries Externe
Auxiliaire de Fixation
LCD Display
Power Sensitivity
, Macintosh
and Linux
Afficheur à cristaux liquides
Rotateur réglage de



Sommaire des Matières pour Tripp-Lite SMART1200LCD

  • Page 1 à toutes les applications. SMART1200LCD: El UPS se puede instalar en la posición de torre. Para instalación de bastidor (2U) un estante opcional, disponible de Tripp Lite, se requiere. El usuario debe determinar la idoneidad de los materiales, accesorios y procedimientos antes del montaje.
  • Page 2 Operación básica Fonctionnement de base (Panel frontal) (panneau avant) Bouton "ON/OFF" (en marche/arrêt) Botón "ON/OFF" (Encendido/Apagado) • Pour mettre le UPS en marche : Appuyez et maintenez enfoncé le bouton ON/OFF (marche/arrêt) pendant une seconde.* S'il n'y a • Para encender el UPS: Presione y mantenga presionado el botón "ON/OFF" (ENCENDIDO/APAGADO) durante un pas d'alimentation de service, appuyer sur le bouton entraînera le démarrage "à...

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