the equipment should be stored in an equipment bag or transport box. Avoid exposure to excessive
moisture, heat, chemicals, acids, corrosive fluids and oils. If unavoidable, please contact the
If the equipment needs to be disinfected, please also contact the manufacturer.
Repairs may only be executed by the manufacturer or a person authorized by the manufacturer
strictly following the instructions for repair.
Rescue devices that are part of a fixed installation on the workplace and that are kept in position
between the inspections, have to be protected against environmental influences in a suitable way
(f.e. in a rescue barrel).
Rescue equipment shall be stored in a clearly marked area and be readily accessible for rescue
Equipment, which is damaged or in need of maintenance, should not be stored in the same area as
usable equipment. Prior to using equipment which has been stored for long periods (greater than one
year) of time, a detailed inspection should be performed by a competent person. heavily soiled, wet
or otherwise contaminated equipment should receive proper maintenance (e.g. drying and cleaning)
prior to storage.
6. Inspection of the rescue equipment
Equipment shall be inspected by the rescuer before each use and additionally by a competent person
other than the rescuer at intervals of no more than one year.
Inspection criteria for the equipment shall be set by the rescuer's organization. Such criteria shall
equal or exceed the greater of the criteria of the standard or the manufacturer's instruction. Inspection
criteria shall be kept current in relationship to changing patterns or conditions of use.
The purpose of two-level inspection of equipment is to provide two independent means for detecting
and preventing the use of defective, damaged or improperly maintained equipment. If such equipment
conditions are observed by the competent person's inspection, measures should be taken to provide
the rescuer with additional training or retraining in equipment inspection, maintenance, use and
The frequency of periodic inspections by a competent person should be established by the rescuer's
organization based upon careful consideration of relevant factors. Such factors include the nature
and severity of workplace, conditions affecting the equipment and the modes of use and exposure
time of the equipment.
Documentation of equipment inspections shall be maintained by the rescuer's organization.
This documentation shall include at a minimum the identity of the equipment, inspection date, name
of the competent person conducting the inspection and the results of that inspection.
7. Utilization period
The utilization period depends on the respective conditions of use. Based on our experiences so far,
you can expect the ropes to have a utilization period of 8 years under normal conditions of use.
8. Precaution
User manual / logbooks are provided for each system or component. They have to be kept close to
the equipment. If the equipment is sold to another country, the re-seller has to provide instructions
for use, maintenance, periodic inspection and repair in the language of the other country.
Please also follow the instructions for use of the products that are used in connection with the RG11
easy / RG11 easy+ descender device and the accident prevention rules applicable in each case.
The device may only be used by a person that is instructed and trained in safe practice. Only a regular
practical training can guarantee a safe use. For every expected rescue scenario a rescue plan is
Without written permission of the manufacturer changes or addition to device are not allowed.
The device may only be used under conditions described in this manual (load, descending height,
temperature range).
After long descent operations the device can get very hot and damage the rope.
For this reason only touch the device with gloves.
Every combination of different equipment can cause unexpected dangerous situation that have a
negative influence on safety of the user.
Anchor points must be located above the user of the device and have a break strength of at least 10
kN in accordance with the EN 795 standard or in accordance with local and/or national requirements.