Nano HomePlug 500Mbps
Chapter 1: HomePlug Power Line Installation
System Diagram
Add high-speed Internet access to any room in your home with this Nano Pass Thru HomePlug AV
Ethernet Bridge. You can stream HD movies and music, play online multi-player games and much
Note: This Nano Pass Thru HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge needs to pair with at least one other
HomePlug AV compatible device in order to create a working system.
Modem / Router
Ethernet connection
Front Casing details
Casing details / Status lights
The front of the device contains 3 types of status lights (see below)
Ethernet link light
PLC link light
Light on: Power is on
Light off: Power is off
Green light flashing (1 second on,
14 seconds off): Device is in stand-by
PLC link
The PLC (Power Line) link light will
indicate the overall speed of your network
with 3 colors.
Red: Minimum connection speed / weak
signal With speed less than 50 Mbps
Orange: Normal signal with standard
network speed between 50 – 100 Mbps
Green: Excellent signal strength with
Power light
optimal network speed of 100 Mbps+
Ethernet cable
Power line