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Liens rapides

Read and understand these instructions before operating this tool.
Everyone using, maintaining, changing accessories or working near this tool must read, understand and follow these Safety Instructions!
Improperly used power tools can cause injury or death. Be sure these instructions accompany the tool when passed on to a different user.
Sioux power tools may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Only qualified operators should install, adjust or use this sander. Do not modify this sander. Do not use the sander if it has been
damaged or modified. Tools should be inspected periodically to ensure markings are legibly marked.
Sanders can cause flying particles.
Proper eye protection must be worn at all times by tool user and bystanders. Failure of the workpiece, accessories or the inserted
tool can cause high velocity projectiles. Ensure the workpiece is securely fixed. Remove the adjustment tools before sanding
starts. Ensure sparks and cuttings are directed not to cause a hazard. For overhead work, wear a safety helmet. Assess the risk
to others before beginning sanding.
Flying particles can cause eye injury.
Sanders present a risk of entanglement.
Keep loose hair away from power tools and accessories. Keep hands away from moving parts of the tool and accessories. Do
not wear jewelry, loose clothing, or neckwear around power tools. Keep work area clear of cleaning rags and all items that could
become entangled with the tool.
Entanglements can cause injuries.
Sanders present a risk of operating hazards.
Wear gloves to protect from cuts, abrasion and heat. Operators and maintenance personnel should be physically able to handle
the bulk, weight and power of the tool. Hold the tool firmly and be ready to counteract normal or sudden movements. Maintain a
balanced body positon. High-reaction torque can develop in the case of stalling. Which can be caused by excessive loads being
applied to the tool. Use a suspension device or side handles whenever possible. Keep hands away from the rotating chuck and
sanding pad. Release the start-stop device in the case of an interruption of the air supply. Safety glasses are required. Gloves
and protective clothing are recommended. Use only lubricants recommended by Sioux Tools. Inspect the backing pad before
each use. Do not use if cracked or broken or if it has been dropped. Never run the tool unless the abrasive is applied to the
workpiece. There is a risk of electrostatic discharge if used on plastic and other non-conductive materials. Potentially explosive
atmospheres can be caused by dust and fumes resulting from sanding. Always use dust extraction or suppression systems
which are suitable for the material being processed.
Hazards from operating a sander may cause injury.
Operating sanders may cause discomfort.
Use a comfortable, not off-balance posture. Change posture during extended tasks.
If the operator experiences persistent or recurring discomfort, pain, throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness, burning sensations or
stiffness, the operator should seek medical assistance.
Disconnect the sander from the airline before changing the tool, accessory or servicing the sander.
Do not use accessories and consumables that are not recommended by Sioux Tools. Avoid direct contact with the inserted tool
during and after use as it can be hot or sharp. Use only sizes and types of accessories that are recommended by Sioux Tools.
Do not use other sizes and types of consumables. Grinding wheels and cutoff wheels shall not be used. Check the maximum
operating speed of the sanding tool is higher than the rated speed of the sander.
Damaged tools can cause injury.
Workplace hazards around your work area can cause injury.
Be aware of slippery surfaces caused by the use of the tool and avoid trip hazards cause by the airline. Proceed with care in
unfamiliar surroundings. This sander should not be used in explosive atmospheres and is NOT insulated against contact with
electrical current. Ensure the work area is free from electrical cables, gas pipes and other hazards.
Be aware of your work area and hidden hazards that may be contacted by the drill.
Using the sander can generate dust and fume hazards.
Dust and fumes generated by the sander can cause ill health. Wear a respiratory mask when using the sander. Consider dust
created by the tool and existing dust disturbed by the tool. Direct the exhaust to minimize dust disturbance. Operate and
maintain the sander as recommended in order to minimize dust or fume emissions. Control dust at the point of emission. Select,
maintain, and replace the inserted tools as recommended in handbook to prevent unnecessary increase in dust and fumes.
Dust and fumes generated by sanding, may be explosive. All integral features or accessories for the collection, extraction or
suppression of dust and fumes should be maintained.
Dust and fumes generated during the drilling process may cause injury.
250 Snap-on Drive • PO Box 1596 • Murphy, NC 28906 • USA • Phone: 828-835-9765 •www.siouxtools.com
Form ZCE780A
When used improperly power tools can create hazardous situations.
Do not discard these safety instructions, give to operator.
Form ZCE780A
Date 2024March27/N
Page 1 of 28



Sommaire des Matières pour SIOUX SPS07P12

  • Page 1 Do not use accessories and consumables that are not recommended by Sioux Tools. Avoid direct contact with the inserted tool during and after use as it can be hot or sharp. Use only sizes and types of accessories that are recommended by Sioux Tools.
  • Page 2 Poorly maintained and lubricated tools can fail unexpectedly. Keep tool properly lubricated and in good repair at all times. Use only Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. See the tool’s information sheet to find out what other greases and oils to use. Do not drop the end of the hose on the floor where it will pick up dirt and transport it into the tool.
  • Page 3 If an airline lubrication is not used, it is recommended that the tool be oiled daily before use to improve performance. Add 2-4 drops of air motor oil and run the tool for 10-20 seconds to distribute oil through the tool. For maximum performance and tool life, an air line lubricator, set to deliver 2 drops per minute, is recommended. SIOUX No. 288 Air Motor Oil is recommended.
  • Page 4 Unsachgemäßer Gebrauch von Werkzeugen kann zu Verletzungen oder zum Tod führen. SICHERHEITSHINWEISE FÜR SANDPAPIERSCHLEIFER Sioux Druckluft- und Elektrowerkzeuge können Chemikalien enthalten, die dem US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien als Ursachen von Krebs, Geburtsfehlern oder anderen Fortpflanzungsschäden bekannt sind. Sandpapierschleifer können wegspritzende Partikel verursachen.
  • Page 5 Schleifer und Polierer, die nicht zu einem vollständigen Halt kommen, bevor sie zur Seite gelegt werden, können zu Verletzungen führen. Der Gebrauch von Zubehör, das nicht von Sioux Tools geliefert oder spezifiziert wurde, kann zu unvorhersehbaren Zwischenfällen führen. Verwenden Sie ausschließlich von Sioux Tools geliefertes oder empfohlenes Zubehör.
  • Page 6 Um eine maximale Leistung und Lebensdauer des Werkzeugs zu erzielen, wird ein Druckluftleitungs-Öler empfohlen, der so eingestellt ist, dass 2 Tropfen pro Minute geliefert werden. Empfohlen wird das SIOUX-Motoröl Nr. 288. WARTUNG Wasser, Staub und andere Fremdstoffe können Rost und das Verkleben des Flügels verursachen. Wenn das Werkzeug für einen längeren Zeitraum nicht genutzt wird, träufeln Sie ein paar Tropfen Öl in das Werkzeug und lassen Sie es für 10 Sekunden laufen.
  • Page 7 Una herramienta motorizada que no se use correctamente puede provocar lesiones o fatalidades. PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD CON LA LIJADORA Las herramientas mecánicas Sioux pueden contener compuestos químicos reconocidos como carcinógenos y causantes de defectos de nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos en el Estado de California.
  • Page 8 Siempre mantenga la herramienta lubricada correctamente y en buen estado. Utilice solamente aceite para motores neumáticos de Sioux No. 288. Ver la hoja de información de la herramienta para saber tener información sobre otros aceites o grasas que puede utilizar. No deje caer el extremo de la manguera en el suelo donde puede ensuciarse y transportar la suciedad a la herramienta.
  • Page 9 MANTENIMIENTO Las paletas pueden oxidarse o pegarse si se acumula agua, polvo y otros contaminantes en la línea de aire. Aplique unas cuantas gotas de aceite y deje funcionar la herramienta durante 10 segundos en los períodos de inactividad prolongados. De esta forma se eliminan contaminantes y se reduce la formación de óxido.
  • Page 10 L’uso diverso dal previsto di questi utensili a motore può causare infortuni o decesso. MISURE CAUTELATIVE PER SMERIGLIATRICI Gli elettroutensili Sioux possono contenere sostanze chimiche note allo Stato della California per causare cancro, malformazioni congenite e altri danni riproduttivi. Le smerigliatrici possono lanciare in aria particelle.
  • Page 11 L’insufficiente manutenzione e lubrificazione degli strumenti può provocare guasti improvvisi. Mantenere sempre lo strumento adeguatamente lubrificato ed in buono stato. Utilizzare solo olio motore Sioux Air n. 288. Consultare il foglio informativo dell’utensile per determinare quali altri grassi ed oli utilizzare. Non lasciar cadere l’estremità...
  • Page 12 AVVERTIMENTO Rimuovere sempre l’attrezzo dall’erogazione d’aria prima di installare o sostituire i dischi per smerigliatura! Per installare un disco per smerigliatura: 1. Installare il tampone di supporto da 114,3 mm sul mandrino. Il tampone di supporto da 76,2 mm può essere installato dietro quello da 114,3 mm per aumentare la rigidità.
  • Page 13 Une utilisation incorrecte d’outils électriques risque de provoquer des dommages corporels, voire même la mort. SÉCURITÉ DES PONCEUSE Les outils Sioux peuvent contenir des produits chimiques identifiés par l’état de Californie comme pouvant provoquer des cancers, des anomalies congénitales et autres troubles de la reproduction.
  • Page 14 Vous assurer de lubrifier l’outil comme il se doit et le maintenir en bon état de fonctionnement. Utiliser seulement l’huile de moteur pneumatique Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. Consulter la fiche technique de l’outil pour connaître les autres huiles et lubrifiants recommandés.
  • Page 15 MAINTENANCE L’eau, la poussière et d’autres impuretés dans la ligne d’air peuvent causer de la corrosion et gripper les palettes. Lorsque l’outil n’a pas été utilisé pendant une longue période, purger l’outil avec quelques gouttes d’huile en le faisant tourner pendant 10 secondes. Cela permettra d’éliminer les impuretés et réduira la formation de corrosion.
  • Page 16 Verkeerd gebruikte elektrische werktuigen kunnen letsel of de dood veroorzak. VOORZORGSMAATREGELEN VOOR SCHUURMACHINES De aangedreven gereedschappen van Sioux kunnen chemische stoffen bevatten waarvan in de staat Californië is vastgesteld dat ze kanker en geboorteafwijkingen kunnen veroorzaken en andere schadelijke gevolgen voor de voortplanting kunnen hebben.
  • Page 17 Slecht onderhouden en slecht geölied gereedschap kan leiden tot plotselinge storingen. Zorg steeds dat de boor goed geölied en in goede conditie is. Gebruik alleen Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. Zie specificaties over het gebruik van andere oliën en vetten. Laat het uiteinde van de buis niet op de grond vallen, zodat stof en verontreinigende deeltjes de boor niet kunnen bereiken.
  • Page 18 ONDERHOUD Water, stof en andere contaminanten in de luchtleiding kunnen roest en knellen van de schoep veroorzaken. Spoel voor lange periodes tussen gebruik het gereedschap met een paar druppels olie en laat gedurende 10 seconden draaien. Hierdoor worden contaminanten verwijderd en de vorming van roest verminderd.
  • Page 19 Felaktig användning av motordrivna verktyg kan förorsaka personskada eller dödsfall.. SÄKERHETSANVISNINGAR FÖR YTSLIPNINGSAPPARATER Sioux motordrivna verktyg kan innehålla kemikalier som i delstaten Kalifornien är kända för att kunna orsaka cancer, förlossningsskador eller andra fortplantningsproblem. Ytslipningsapparater kan producera kringflygande partiklar.
  • Page 20 Illa skötta och dåligt smorda verktyg kan oförutsett sluta att fungera. Håll alltid verktyget väl smort och i god funktion. Använd enbart Sioux Air Motor Oil Nr. 288. Uppgifter om andra smörjämnen och oljor som ska användas finns i informationsbladet för verktyget. Släpp inte ned änden på slangen på golvet där den kan plocka upp smuts som kan komma in i verktyget.
  • Page 21 DRIFT VARNING Koppla alltid bort verktyget från den komprimerade luften innan du installerar eller byter putsskivor! Så här installerar du en slipskiva: 1. Installera den 4 ½ tums (114,3 mm) stödskivan på spindeln. Den 3 tums (76,2 mm) stödskivan kan installeras bakom den 4 ½ tums (114,3 mm) skivan för att ge mera styvhet.
  • Page 22 INSTRUCTIONS & PARTS LIST FOR SPS10P18 SERIES PISTOL SANDER SERIAL“B” 17 18 Assembly Requirements Fig. Torque / Specification Threadlocker 90-130 in-lbs Loctite 243 35-40 ft-lbs Loctite 243 15-20 in-lbs Loctite 243 20-25 ft-lbs Loctite 243 Fig. Part Description 21542 Retaining Ring 14311 O-Ring Fig.
  • Page 23 PARTS LIST FOR SPS10P6 SERIES PISTOL SANDER SERIAL“B” 22 23 21 22 Assembly Requirements Fig. Torque / Specification Threadlocker 90-130 in-lbs Loctite 243 30-35 ft-lbs Loctite 243 35-40 ft-lbs Loctite 243 20-25 ft-lbs Loctite 243 Fig. Part Fig. Part Description Description 64188 Disk Retainer...
  • Page 24 PARTS LIST FOR SPS07P12 SERIES PISTOL SANDER SERIAL“B” 10 11 7 7 8 8 Assembly Requirements Fig. Torque / Specification Threadlocker 90-130 in-lbs Loctite 243 30-35 ft-lbs Loctite 243 35-40 ft-lbs Loctite 243 20-25 ft-lbs Loctite 243 Fig. Part Fig.
  • Page 25 Object of declaration: Gegenstand der Erklärung: Object of declaration: Product: Pistol Sander Produkt: Pistolenform Sandpapierschleifer Product: Pistol Sander Model No: SPS10P18, SPS10P6, SPS07P12 Modell-Nr.: SPS10P18, SPS10P6, SPS07P12 Model No: SPS10P18, SPS10P6, SPS07P12 Trademark: Sioux Warenzeichen: Sioux Trademark: Sioux Serial Number: 1501XXXX-->XXXXXXXX Seriennummer: 1501XXXX-->XXXXXXXX...
  • Page 26 Kenosha, WI 53141-1410, É.-U. Objeto de la declaración: Oggetto della dichiarazione: Producto: Pistola la Lijadora Prodotto: Pistola Smerigliatrici Objet de la déclaration: Modelo: SPS10P18, SPS10P6, SPS07P12 Modello n.: SPS10P18, SPS10P6, SPS07P12 Produit : Pistol Ponceuse Marca: Sioux Marchio: Sioux Modèle : SPS10P18, SPS10P6, Número de serie: 1501XXXX-->XXXXXXXX...
  • Page 27 Kenosha, WI 53141-1410, U.S.A. Kenosha, WI 53141-1410, VS Föremål för försäkran: Onderwerp van de verklaring: Produkt: Pistolgrepp Ytslipningsapparater Product: Pistol Schuurmachines Modellnr: SPS10P18, SPS10P6, SPS07P12 Modelnr.: SPS10P18, SPS10P6, SPS07P12 Varumärke: Sioux Handelsmerk: Sioux Serienummer: 1501XXXX-->XXXXXXXX Serienummer: 1501XXXX-->XXXXXXXX Föremål för försäkran som beskrivs ovan Het onderwerp van de bovenstaande verklaring voldoet överensstämmer med relevant unionslagstiftning om...
  • Page 28 WARNING Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. WARNUNG Der durch Elektrosanden, -sägen, -schleifen und -bohren sowie durch andere Bauarbeiten anfallende Staub enthält Chemikalien, die nachweislich Krebs sowie Geburts- bzw.
  • Page 29 This pdf incorporates the following model numbers: SPS10P18, SPS10P6...

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