Battery and Charging:
Battery and Charging:
Charge at 0℃~45℃, discharge at -20℃~60℃, keep the battery dry. Do not put the battery
Charge at 0℃~45℃, discharge at -20℃~60℃, keep the battery dry. Do not put the battery
in acidic or alkaline liquid. Avoid rain and keep away from fire, heat and high temperature
in acidic or alkaline liquid. Avoid rain and keep away from fire, heat and high temperature
environment. It is strictly forbidden to connect the positive and negative poles of the battery
environment. It is strictly forbidden to connect the positive and negative poles of the battery
reversely. It is strictly forbidden to damage,disassemble the battery or cause short-circuit.
reversely. It is strictly forbidden to damage,disassemble the battery or cause short-circuit.
Please use the specific original charger for charging, with charging time no more than 6
Please use the specific original charger for charging, with charging time no more than 6
hours and the charging current no larger than 2A. When not in use for a long time, please
hours and the charging current no larger than 2A. When not in use for a long time, please
store the battery in a cool and dry place, and charge the battery for five hours every month.
store the battery in a cool and dry place, and charge the battery for five hours every month.
The user must follow the manual instructions when charging, otherwise the consequences
The user must follow the manual instructions when charging, otherwise the consequences
will be at his own risk. Pay attention to the battery type and applicable voltage that the
will be at his own risk. Pay attention to the battery type and applicable voltage that the
charger can charge, and it is strictly forbidden to mix. When charging, it should be placed in
charger can charge, and it is strictly forbidden to mix. When charging, it should be placed in
a ventilated environment. It is strictly forbidden to charge in residential buildings, enclosed
a ventilated environment. It is strictly forbidden to charge in residential buildings, enclosed
spaces, or under sunshine and in high temperature environments. When charging, plug in
spaces, or under sunshine and in high temperature environments. When charging, plug in
the battery first, then connect to power supply socket; after charge gets full, cut off the
the battery first, then connect to power supply socket; after charge gets full, cut off the
socket first, and then unplug the battery. When the green light is on, the power supply should
socket first, and then unplug the battery. When the green light is on, the power supply should
be cut off in time, and it is forbidden to connect the charger to the AC power supply for a long
be cut off in time, and it is forbidden to connect the charger to the AC power supply for a long
time without charging. During the charging process, if the indicator light is abnormal, there is
time without charging. During the charging process, if the indicator light is abnormal, there is
a peculiar smell, or the charger casing is overheated, stop charging immediately, and repair
a peculiar smell, or the charger casing is overheated, stop charging immediately, and repair
or replace the charger. During the use and storage of the charger, pay attention to avoid
or replace the charger. During the use and storage of the charger, pay attention to avoid
foreign objects entering, especially water or other liquids, so as to avoid a short circuit inside
foreign objects entering, especially water or other liquids, so as to avoid a short circuit inside
the charger. The charger should not be carried with the bike as much as possible. If it is
the charger. The charger should not be carried with the bike as much as possible. If it is
necessary to carry it, it should be placed in the toolbox after the shock absorption treatment
necessary to carry it, it should be placed in the toolbox after the shock absorption treatment
is done. Do not disassemble or replace the accessories in the charger by yourself.
is done. Do not disassemble or replace the accessories in the charger by yourself.
Do not use it until you read the instructions carefully and understand the performance of the
Do not use it until you read the instructions carefully and understand the performance of the
product; do not lend it to people who can't manipulate the product for riding. Before riding the
product; do not lend it to people who can't manipulate the product for riding. Before riding the
bicycle, check whether the brakes are working. When you brake, please activate the rear
bicycle, check whether the brakes are working. When you brake, please activate the rear
brake firstly, and then the front brake. Pay attention to the brake tightness. If the brake is too
brake firstly, and then the front brake. Pay attention to the brake tightness. If the brake is too
loose, use an Allen key to tighten it. Pay attention to increasing the braking distance when
loose, use an Allen key to tighten it. Pay attention to increasing the braking distance when
riding in rain or snow. Suitable age: Riding between 16 and 65 years old. Please be sure to
riding in rain or snow. Suitable age: Riding between 16 and 65 years old. Please be sure to
wear a safety helmet when riding a bicycle, follow the traffic rules, and do not drive on
wear a safety helmet when riding a bicycle, follow the traffic rules, and do not drive on
motorized lanes and roads with many pedestrians. Please check the tire pressure before
motorized lanes and roads with many pedestrians. Please check the tire pressure before
riding. The recommended tire pressure is 35~40 PSI. When riding on downhill and
riding. The recommended tire pressure is 35~40 PSI. When riding on downhill and
non-paved roads, make sure the speed do not exceed 15KM/h. When using the motor,
non-paved roads, make sure the speed do not exceed 15KM/h. When using the motor,
please be careful not to hit it vigorously and keep the rotating shaft lubricated. It is not
please be careful not to hit it vigorously and keep the rotating shaft lubricated. It is not
allowed to ride with more than the maximum load of the body (the maximum load is 120 KG)
allowed to ride with more than the maximum load of the body (the maximum load is 120 KG)
After use, the bike can not be parked in the building hall, evacuation stairs, safety exits, and
After use, the bike can not be parked in the building hall, evacuation stairs, safety exits, and
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