ground, b):
- Connect the black terminal in
the center of the group with one
pole of the contact.
- Connect the white terminal, a or
b, with the second pole of the
You can connect two separate
contacts to the terminals a and b,
e. g., to set a track switch to
"straight" with one contact and to
"diverging" with another contact.
Attention! The switches and
contacts you connect to the MTS
Feedback Interface must not
carry any voltage.
- All black "ground" terminals of
the feedback interfaces are
- When using EPL Track Contacts
17100 and 17000, connect both
terminals marked with triangles
among each other.
- You can connect several contac-
ts to each terminal on the
55070. They must be wired in
- When using the EPL Control
Box 51750 to trigger the MTS
Feedback Interface, connect the
white terminal on the 51750 to
the black terminal on the 55070,
and the yellow and green termi-
nals on the 51750 each to one
of the white terminals on the
Attention! Do not connect the
EPL Control Box 51750 to a
2. On the other side of the feedb-
ack interface, there are three
phone-style sockets (Fig. 1).
- Connect the left socket marked
"LGB-BUS" with the MTS Cen-
tral Station using the included
connected to the Central Station
is the "Master.")
Attention! Use only the included
cable to connect the MTS Feedb-
ack Interface.
Hint: To connect the MTS Feedb-
ack Interface 55070 to the original
MTS Central Station, you need
the 55110 MTS Remote Adapter.
Connect the 55070 to the 55110.
- Use the two sockets on the right
marked "Slave" to connect addi-
tional MTS Feedback Interfaces.
Up to 64 additional Feedback
Interfaces are connected in
series (slave to slave).
Caution! Do not connect the
phone-style connectors of MTS
products to your phone system.
The MTS product will be destroy-
3. Each terminal triggers if the
connected contact is closed.
The contact can be a momen-
tary switch or an On/Off switch.
Opening the contact does not
trigger a function.
1. Set your 55025 MTS Switch
Decoders using 17100 Track
Contacts, 12030 EPL Supple-
mentary Switches or EPL Con-
trol Boxes (e. g., 51750).
2. Feedback to your PC with
55060 MTS Computer Interfa-
Hint: The memory of the MTS
Feedback Interface can save up
to 24 signals (contact triggerings).
Up to 5 signals per second are
sent to the MTS Central Station. If
more than 24 signals accumulate
in the memory, the additional sig-
nals are lost.
Programming the
MTS Feedback Interface
Each MTS Feedback Interface is
assigned an address block of four
consecutive addresses -- for
example, 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, etc. (Fig.
2) -- similar to the addresses of
55025 MTS Switch Decoders.
The MTS Feedback Interface trig-
gers the 55025 MTS Switch
Decoders with corresponding
- Example: You program the MTS
Feedback Interface to address
block 61-64. Now terminal A
controls track switch 61, termi-
nal B controls track switch 62,
terminal C controls track switch
63, and terminal D controls track
switch 64.
- If you are using the 55060 MTS
Computer Interface, the contac-
ts are numbered from 129 to
256 (Fig. 3). Thus, address block
129 - 132 corresponds to
contacts 129 a, 129 b (for termi-
nals a and b) to 132 a, 132 b.
To program the 55070
MTS Feedback Interface:
1. Disconnect the cable (phone-
style connector) to the 55110