recently in 2013, a new strain of Avian Influenza A, H7N9 has infected people in China and
is believed to be from exposure to infected poultry.
All known subtypes of influenza type A viruses have been isolated from birds and can affect
a range of mammalian species. As with humans, the number of influenza A subtypes that
have been isolated from other mammalian species is limited. Influenza type B viruses almost
exclusively infect humans.
In this case, the influenza type A virus has been used for the testing.
4. Protocol
4.1. Test Conditions
Testing of the Stadler Form Roger air purifier was conducted in a 28.5 m
chamber. The chamber was preconditioned to 20 °C (±3 ºC) and 55 % (±5 %) relative
humidity before the commencement of the tests. After each run, the chamber was sterilised
by operating a UV germicidal lamp, installed in the ceiling of the chamber, for at least 60
minutes. The air was extracted from the test chamber through HEPA filters, and fresh HEPA
filtered air was resupplied. The chamber was then cleaned by washing with 5% Virkon multi-
purpose disinfectant solution.
4.2. Air Purifier Control and Test Runs
Six decay tests were performed in the environmental chamber consisting of:
Three inactive control runs without the air purifier
Three active test runs with the Roger Little air purifier operating at the max airflow
For the active test runs the air purifier was placed on the floor in the centre of the chamber.
For the inactive control runs, the same procedure was performed except in the absence of
the air purifier. Three replicates per sample timepoint were collected during each run.
In both the active and inactive runs, viable Influenza A virus was aerosolised into the chamber
for up to 20 minutes. The amount of Influenza A aerosolised was dependent on the virus
stock used, however, 100 - 200 µg of virus antigen was introduced into the test chamber for
each run. The viral aerosol was mixed in the chamber by a ceiling fan, which was operating
at low speed for the duration of the test.
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environmental test