Wood requires some care and a�en�on over its life�me to ensure a long-las�ng beau�ful finish.
Proper cleaning and maintenance will keep your wood products looking beau�ful for a long �me.
Please follow these guidelines to maintain your wood surfaces.
• Fading and weathering: Wood is a natural product and is expected to change over �me. Long
periods of sun exposure can naturally lead to color fading. Weather extremes, temperature
fluctua�ons, and humidity highs/lows cause wood to expand and contract, possibly leading to
warping and cracking. Knots and small surface cracks are naturally occurring and do not affect the
strength of the product.
• Keeping dry: Prolonged moisture and high or low humidity can be harmful for wood. Cracking or
spli�ng from extremes outside of the normal humidity range of 35-65% are not covered by our
warranty. Preven�ng prolonged exposure to moisture is advisable.
• Cleaning: Frequent light cleaning is recommended. Dust regularly using a slightly damp so� cloth,
and then wipe dry (following the direc�on of the wood grain). For more thorough cleaning, use a
so� cloth and a gentle soap solu�on (dilute ¼ cup mild dishwashing liquid soap with 1 gallon of
warm water). Rinse with water, and then immediately dry the surfaces using a so� cloth. Do not
use bleach, acid, or other solvents on any metal parts or surfaces. Minor stains or scratches can be
lightly buffed with No.0000 steel wool, followed by an applica�on of good quality wood-care oil,
wiping in the direc�on of the grain.
• Annual sealing: It is advisable to annually maintain the wooden parts with a sealant or outdoor
wax/oil to protect and enhance the wood surfaces. Twice yearly, a�er cleaning, apply a good
quality wood-care oil or water-based sealant to the surfaces. Recommended op�ons are outdoor
water-based sealant, linseed, teak, or tung oil. Refer to the manufacturer's specific instruc�ons for
applica�on. It is best to try on a small sec�on of wood, then if sa�sfied with the result, con�nue
the applica�on, taking care to avoid any metal surfaces.
• For further ques�ons and concerns, please contact: customer.care@sunjoygroup.com
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