Bodywork parts reference colours (Brutale 800 RR)
Bodywork parts are painted with the following reference colours, according to the corresponding motor-
cycle colour combination:
1. - Rear side fairing, right-hand;
2. - Rear side fairing, left-hand;
3. - Fuel tank;
4. - Front mudguard:
colour code A:
Pearly Shock Red
(Cod. Lechler L2902182) +
ICE Pearly White
(Cod. Lechler L2902181)
colour code B:
Metal Avio Grey
(Code Palinal 928.T892) +
Metal Carbon Black
(Code Palinal 928.V311)
tecHnIcAL InFoRMAtIon
5. - Right hand central fairing;
6. - Left hand central fairing:
colour code A:
Pearly Shock Red
(Cod. Lechler L2902182)
colour code B:
Metal Avio Grey
(Code Palinal 928.T892)
7. - Dashboard cover:
Metal Carbon Black
(Code Palinal 928.V311)
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