With Games & Applications selected in the Configuration
menu, the drop-down menu for Profile will contain all of
the profiles that are present in G HUB, those included as
part of G HUB updates or custom profiles that you have
created yourself and linked to a program's exe file
With the onboard memory enabled, the Profile drop-down
menu will contain just the 5 onboard memory slots:
Any changes you make to the settings here in G HUB will be
automatically saved in the memory of the PRO Wheel for
that chosen profile You can also choose to edit the name
of the profile by clicking the Edit Names option You may
then type the name of the profile that you wish to change
it to and this will then be saved to the PRO Wheel This
will persist in the memory so that if you then use the PRO
Wheel on a console, that profile name will still be present
It is not possible to make changes to the settings on the
PRO Wheel using G HUB if the settings menu on the wheel
is open G HUB will present an error message asking you to
close the settings menu on the wheel if it detects that the
settings menu has been accessed