Connecting video camera
Align the groove of the video camera connector with the CAMERA
terminal on the front panel of the unit, then insert the connector.
Also, it is possible to remotely start/stop VCR recording when oper-
ating the video camera, by connecting the CONTROL terminal at the
rear of this unit to the CAMERA REMOTE terminal of the VCR, using
the remote control cord provided with a mini jack.
It is not possible to use a video camera having a power consump-
tion of more than 7 watts.
Although it is possible to use a VHS type video camera directly,
the remote control start/stop operation may sometimes be reversed
depending upon the video camera used.
The CAMERA terminal of this unit is a ''round 10-pin J type ter-
Consequently, when connecting the unit to a beta type
video camera (14-pin K type terminal), it is necessary to use a com-
mercially available adapter.
Consult with the shop where you pur-
chased your unit.
The CAMERA REMOTE terminal on some VCRs is of small diamter,
which may prevent the remote control cord from being used.
In such a case, it is necessary to use a 3.5 dia. 2.5 dia. conver-
sion jack.
provided-with a CAMERA
terminal do not have a
When a video camera is connected
to this unit it is not possible to remotely control such a VCR.
Connecting CONTROL Terminal
When using a VCR which is provided with a REMOTE PAUSE termi-
nal, you can control recording/pause of the VCR by connecting the
CONTROL terminal of this unit to the REMOTE
PAUSE terminal of
the VCR using the control cable provided with the unit, and then us-
ing the control function of this unit.
For details of the control function of this unit, refer to Page 14.
Two control cables are provided.
One has 3.5 mm dia. plugs at
both ends, and the other has a 3.5 mm dia. plug at one end and
a 2.5 mm dia. plug at the opposite end.
Select one of these ca-
bles to match the REMOTE PAUSE terminal of the VCR which you
intend to use.
Because some VCRs are not provided with a REMOTE PAUSE ter-
minal, or use a different format, it may not always be possible to
control the VCR with this unit.
Connecting the unit to an S-XV1000 or AV-C10
You can increase the range of functions of your AV system by con-
necting the unit to audio center S-XV1000 or VC-C10, each of which
is provided
with an AV
function to enable
you to enjoy
4-channel sound reproduction with movie theater or concert hall real-
ism as well as an AV selector/mutual dubbing function.
Connect the VCR or VDP to the S-XV1000 or AV-C10, and, apart
from when using a camera, set the SELECTOR/DUBBING switches
to VCR-A.
Also, connect the monitor television which is connected
to the MONITOR/EFFECT terminal, to the MONITOR OUT terminal
of the S-XV1000 or AV-C10.
Connection example (AV-C10)
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For the Customers
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not
installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and tel-
evision reception.
It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart
J of Part 15 of FCC Rules. which are disigned to provide reasonable
protection against such interference in a residential
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
eiyuiet reorient the receiving antenna
siidteaes relocate this equipment with respect to the receiver
etree move this equipment away from the receiver