The air pressure massager consists of a device with a pump, cuffs, air pressure sensor, etc., which work together as one unit. The device is
connected to the cuffs via a series of hoses. The compression massage is done by cyclically inflating and deflating the air chambers. The
pressure in the cuff is controlled by a sensor and microprocessor.
In medical use, the air pressure massager produces sequential compression from distal to proximal, helping to improve the circulation of blood
and lymph, prevent DVT and relieve lymphoedema.
In cosmetic use, the system provides drainage of loosened fat cells and debris through its massage from the feet towards the upper body.
The product is indicated for use by medical professionals and patient at home, who are under medical supervision, reducing swelling and
preventing thrombosis in the lower extremities or treatment of truncal or arm breast cancer-related lymphedema. such as: Primary
lymphedema, edema following trauma and sport injuries, Postimmobilization edema, Venous insufficiencies, Lymphedema. The system can be
used in the home or hospital, using the object (patient) must be over 18 years old of adults.
Prevention of:
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Chronic venous insufficiency
Treatment of:
Athletic regeneration
Edema resulting from trauma and sports injuries
Feel discomfort when the output pressure is too large
Redness, itching or discomfort
Discomfort and pain sensations during treatment with a pressure of 120 mmHg or greater
Absolute Contraindications:
Acute inflammatory skin diseases
Arrhythmias Erysipelas
Deep vein thrombophlebitis
Pulmonary edema
Acute venous thrombosis Unstable hypertension
Use of a cardiac pacemaker
arterial insufficiencies