Before any action, turn the screen on by pressing any button.
This menu gives you access to the Connectivity settings.
Our panels are iO-homecontrol
This highly secured wireless radio communication technology is integrated into a wide
range of home equipment proposed by partner brands, and home experts.
On our heaters integrating iO-homecontrol ®
•Connect several compatible devices
For optimum results, only devices located in the same room
must be connected together (up to a maximum of 5 devices).
•Connect your devices to the application
Connecting device together
, located in the same room can be connected togetherallowing communication
and information sharing.
For example, when multiple devices are connected together, a temperature change or a
mode change on one device immediately affects all other devices.
Similarly, if one of the devices in the room detects your presence, it will provide such infor-
mation to the other devices.
Example : connect 3 devices in the same room :
See the twins :
You can see the devices you connected together.
together in the same room.
with the Connectivity menu, you can :
for remote control (from the