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EUROKRAFT pro PH-PAL-RTP Notice De Montage page 25


Important safety informa琀椀on
• Earthquake, wind and snow loads as well as 昀椀re protec琀椀on measures are not taken into account. The pallet racks may only be
installed in closed rooms. When installed within an earthquake zone, the shelving unit must be dimensioned sta琀椀cally by the
• Pallet racks must be anchored to the 昀氀oor. Installa琀椀on is only permi琀琀ed on concrete 昀氀oors (minimum quality C20/25 with
corresponding proof of performance) with a minimum thickness of the base plate of 200 mm and a minimum drill hole depth of 150
mm. Asphalt, gravel 昀氀oors, composite stone paving and concrete 昀氀oors with under昀氀oor hea琀椀ng are not suitable or only suitable to a
limited extent.
• The 昀氀oor at the place of installa琀椀on must be able to safely absorb the loads resul琀椀ng from the loading of the racks (dead weight +
loading + trac琀椀ve force). In the case of magnesite-bonded 昀氀oors, plas琀椀c plates must be underlaid to prevent corrosion of the base
• Climbing on or into the shelves is prohibited.
• For fall protec琀椀on, the outer shelf frames must be at least 500 mm higher than the topmost storage level.
• Aisles between the racking systems must be su昀케ciently wide to allow industrial trucks to make a 90° turn and store and retrieve
• Tra昀케c routes or side aisles shall be designed with a minimum width of 1250 mm or 750 mm.
• The clear height for passages must be at least 2000 mm.
• Collision guards must be 昀椀琀琀ed for outer frames and passageways.
• Passages and superstructures must be secured with a suitable compartment cover to prevent stored goods from falling down.
• Each shelf unit is equipped with at least 2 pairs of beams one above the other.
• All compartments of a rack have the same compartment load when the rack is fully loaded.
• The load plates supplied must be a琀琀ached to each shelf line.
• The carrier distances in a shelf 昀椀eld may di昀昀er by a maximum factor of 1.2.
• The pallet racks must be loaded evenly in the order from bo琀琀om to top with direct, ver琀椀cal load introduc琀椀on into the support
beams and symmetrical storage.
• Lateral movement of pallets within the rack, moving of pallets on the support beams as well as jerky deposi琀椀ng of pallets on the
support beams is not permi琀琀ed.
• The upright frames are not suitable at the factory for carrying structural loads.
• The minimum wall distance of the pallet racks is 150 mm.
• Deforma琀椀ons in the upright frames as a result of impact with an industrial truck or load must be checked with regard to a risk
assessment in accordance with DIN EN 15635. Depending on the extent of the damage, appropriate measures (e.g. unloading
shelves, locking shelves, replacing components) must be ini琀椀ated.
• Beams damaged by impact and beams with damaged suspension claws or welded seams (e.g. due to cracks) must be replaced.
• Unauthorised repairs without the manufacturer's consent or without original components are prohibited.
• Only faultless and undamaged pallets and mesh pallets may be used in the rack. If damage occurs in accordance with DIN EN
ISO 18613, the pallet concerned must be replaced or repaired immediately, as the necessary load-bearing capacity is no longer
• Box pallets may only be set down in grid box supports, not directly on the beams.
• Single racks, which stand freely in the room, require mesh back walls to prevent the stored goods from falling down.
• For commercially used racking systems, an annual rack inspec琀椀on according to DIN EN 15635 and DGUV Regula琀椀on 108-007 must be
carried out by a competent person.
• Further reading:
- DGUV Regula琀椀on 108-007 – Storage facili琀椀es and equipment
- DIN 18202 – Tolerances in building construc琀椀on – Buildings
- DIN EN 15512 – Steel sta琀椀c storage systems – Adjustable pallet racking systems – Principles for structural design
- DIN EN 15635 – Steel sta琀椀c storage systems – Applica琀椀on and maintenance of storage equipment
- DIN EN ISO 18613 – Pallets for materials handling – Repair of 昀氀at wooden pallets

