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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
tour twin
© Mamas & Papas Ltd. 2012



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  • Page 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com tour twin TWPC_0195_0412_V1 © Mamas & Papas Ltd. 2012...
  • Page 2 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Thank you for ordering from Mamas & Papas. We started Mamas & Papas to create beautiful things for our own daughters. Our ideas came from a desire for style, exquisite detail and the finest fabrics. Ultimately, the very best for our babies and yours. We have now been established for over 30 years and continue to launch new collections every season and produce award winning designs.
  • Page 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IMPORTANT: KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. WARNING! Never leave your child unattended. Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged before use. To avoid injury ensure that your child is kept away when unfolding and folding this product. Do not let your child play with this product Always use the restraint system This product is not suitable for running or skating.
  • Page 4 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IMPORTANT: READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR FUTURE REFERENCE WARNING: Never leave child unattended. WARNING: Do not carry extra children or bags on this stroller. WARNING: Exceeding manufacturers recommended load may cause this stroller to become unstable. WARNING: Avoid serious injury from falling or sliding out.
  • Page 5 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com (Cont...) IMPORTANT : AVANT D’UTILISER LE PRODUIT, VEUILLEZ LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT LES CONSIGNES SUIVANTES ET LES CONSERVER EN LIEU SÛR POUR RÉFÉRENCE ULTÉRIEURE MISE EN GARDE: Ne laissez jamais l’enfant sans surveillance. MISE EN GARDE: Ne transportez pas de sacs ou plusieurs enfants dans cette poussette.
  • Page 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IMPORTANTE - GUARDAR LAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA FUTURA REFERENCIA. ¡ADVERTENCIA! No deje nunca al niño sin supervisión. Asegúrese de que todos los dispositivos de bloqueo están sujetos antes de usar el producto. Para evitar lesiones, asegúrese de que el niño está alejado cuando pliegue y abra el producto. No deje a su hijo jugar con este producto Utilice siempre el sistema de sujeción.
  • Page 8 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IMPORTANT - VEUILLEZ CONSERVER CES INSTRUCTIONS POUR VOUS Y REPORTER ULTÉRIEUREMENT. AVERTISSEMENT! / MISE EN GARDE! Ne laissez jamais votre enfant sans surveillance. Vérifiez que tous les dispositifs de verrouillage sont bien enclenchés avant utilisation. Pour éviter les blessures, veillez à...
  • Page 9 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com WICHTIG — DIESE ANLEITUNG ZUR SPÄTEREN EINSICHTNAHME AUFBEWAHREN. WARNUNG! Ihr Kind nie unbeaufsichtigt lassen. Vor der Benutzung alle Sperrvorrichtungen arretieren. Um Verletzungen zu vermeiden, Ihr Kind beim Auseinander- und Zusammenklappen dieses Produkts in sicherer Entfernung halten. Lassen Sie Ihr Kind nicht mit diesem Produkt spielen.
  • Page 10 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IMPORTANTE — CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIONI COME RIFERIMENTO FUTURO. AVVERTENZA! Non lasciare mai il bambino incustodito! Accertarsi che tutti i dispositivi di blocco siano attivati prima dell’uso. Per evitare lesioni accertarsi che il bambino sia lontano quando si apre e si chiude il prodotto. Non lasciare che il bambino giochi con questo prodotto.
  • Page 11 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com BELANGRIJK — BEWAAR DEZE INSTRUCTIES VOOR LATERE RAADPLEGING. WAARSCHUWING! Laat uw kind nooit zonder toezicht achter. Zorg dat alle sluitingen zijn vergrendeld voor gebruik. Voorkom letsel: houd uw kind uit de buurt wanneer u dit product in- of uitklapt. Laat uw kind niet met dit product spelen.
  • Page 12 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com AS/NZ IMPORTANT: READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR FUTURE REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAFE USE WARNING: WARNING: TO AVOID INJURY OR DEATH: Do not leave children unattended. WARNING: WARNING: Do not carry extra children or bags on this stroller. Secure the child in the harness at all times.
  • Page 13 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Fitting the front wheels ES: Colocar las ruedas delanteras FR: Installation des roues avant D: Anbringen der Vorderräder IT: Come installare le ruote anteriori NL: Voorwielen plaatsen UK: Opening the pushchair ES: Abrir la silla de paseo FR: Dépliage de la poussette D: Öffnen des Kinderwagens IT: Come aprire il passeggino...
  • Page 14 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Using the swivel wheels ES: Utilizar las ruedas giratorias FR: Utilisation des roues pivotantes D: Verwendung der Drehräder IT: Come usare le ruote girevoli NL: Gebruik zwenkwielen UK: Using the brakes ES: Utilizar los frenos FR: Utilisation des freins D: Verwendung der Bremsen IT: Come usare i freni...
  • Page 15 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Fitting the hood ES: Colocar la capota FR: Installation de la capote D: Anbringen des Verdecks IT: Come installare la copertura NL: Kap plaatsen...
  • Page 16 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Fitting the liner. ES: Colocar la cubierta protectora para las piernas FR: Installation d’une chancelière D: Anbringen eines Fußsacks IT: Come installare un manicotto per i piedi NL: Een voetenzak plaatsen...
  • Page 17 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Using the harness ES: Utilizar el arnés FR: Utilisation du harnais D: Verwendung des Geschirrs IT: Come usare l’imbracatura NL: Gebruik gordel...
  • Page 18 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Adjusting the backrest ES: Ajustar el respaldo FR: Ajustement du dossier D: Einstellung der Rückenlehne IT: Come regolare lo schienale NL: Rugleuning verstellen. UK: Adjusting the leg rest ES: Ajustar el reposapiernas FR: Ajustement du repose-pied D: Einstellung der Beinauflage IT: Come regolare l’appoggio...
  • Page 19 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Fitting the raincover ES: Colocar la cubierta para lluvia FR: Installation de l’habillage de pluie D: Anbringen der Regenabdeckung IT: Come installare la copertura per la pioggia NL: Regenscherm plaatsen...
  • Page 20 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Folding the pushchair ES: Doblar la silla de paseo FR: Pliage de la poussette D: Falten des Kinderwagens IT: Come piegare il passeggino NL: Wandelwagen/onderstel inklappen...
  • Page 21 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com UK: Fitting the accessories ES: Instalación de los accesorios FR: Monter les accessoires D: Installierung der Zubehöre IT: Installazione del pacchetto accessorio NL: Het installeren van de gehechtheid...
  • Page 22 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Looking After Your Pushchair Cómo cuidar de su silla de paseo Entretien de la poussette • A pushchair has many moving parts, and surfaces which move • Una silla de paseo posee gran cantidad de piezas móviles y • Une poussette comporte de nombreuses pièces mobiles et des against each other, over time these surfaces can become dry superficies que se desplazan en contacto con otras;...
  • Page 23 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Die Pflege Ihres Kinderwagens Cura e manutenzione del passeggino Hoe om te gaan met uw wandelwagen • Ein Kinderwagen besteht aus vielen beweglichen Teilen und • Il passeggino è dotato di diverse parti mobili e di superfici • Een wandelwagen heeft veel bewegende delen en oppervlakken Oberflächen, die sich gegeneinander bewegen;...
  • Page 24 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Mamas & Papas Ltd, HD5 0RH, UK mamasandpapas.com +44 (0)845 268 2000 1300 663 034 /mamasandpapasuk @mamasandpapas mamasandpapasglobal /mamasandpapasusa 1-800-490-0331 1-800-667-4111 /mamasandpapasmaltaregion mamasandpapasmagyarorszag...