All manuals and user guides at
helpful websites such as the one listed below which may contain the
information you need:
Q. What does the blinking yellow light on the back of my
DroboPro/DroboElite mean:
A. When your DroboPro or DroboElite is shutting down, the small light
between the power plug and the power switch briefly flashes. You
normally only see this from the back of the unit. This light will always
flash during shutdown.
Q. Do DroboPro and DroboElite use RAID?
A. No, the patent-pending technology (called BeyondRAID™) within
DroboElite is not RAID and was developed specifically to perform
data management and configuration tasks automatically so that you
don't have to. DroboElite does utilize advanced storage concepts
such as virtualization, but it is not a derivative of RAID. See page 1 for
more information on BeyondRAID.
Q. Should I periodically defragment the drives in
A. No, this type of optimization is performed automatically.
Q. What happens to my data if there is a power outage?
A. Both DroboPro and DroboElite manage interruptions to power
automatically and have internal rechargeable batteries that allow
data being written during an outage to complete. However, various
file systems handle unexpected power losses differently, so it is
recommended that you run a file system utility if you do experience
an unexpected power loss at any time.
As with all electronic equipment, we recommend connecting your
DroboPro/DroboElite to a surge protector or uninterruptible power
supply (UPS) designed for electronics.
Q: Can I extend the warranty on my DroboPro/DroboElite?
A. Yes, you can purchase additional hardware and phone support by
purchasing DroboCare. To learn more about DroboCare visit: