Sommaire des Matières pour Datalogic Magellan 2200VS
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All manuals and user guides at Magellan™ 2200VS Quick Reference Guide...
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Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U. All other brand and product names may be trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. or of Dat- alogic Group companies, registered in many countries, including the U.S. and the E.U.
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All manuals and user guides at Table of Contents English ..........................1 Français ........................5 Deutsch .........................9 Italiano ........................13 Español ........................17 Portugues ........................21 Chinese ........................26 Türkçe ..........................29 Appendix A — Productivity Index Reporting Option ..........33 Appendix B — Warranty ...................37 Quick Reference Guide...
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All manuals and user guides at NOTES Magellan 2200VS...
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All manuals and user guides at Quick Reference Guide Introduction This guide offers a summary of basic scanner operation for first time users. Installers, system man- agers and other technical personnel can find installation, programming and further advanced infor- mation in the Product Reference Guide.
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All manuals and user guides at Operation Scanning Items Item bar codes are scanned by either... • sliding or pushing items through the scan volume in a right-to-left or left-to-right motion (see Figure 2a). This is known as “Sweep” scanning, and is the best choice for high throughput super- and hypermarket installations where it is necessary to mini- mize the need to grip or lift items.
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All manuals and user guides at Volume/Tone Push Button The Volume/Tone Push Button also performs multiple functions depending upon the duration of time it is pressed: Volume changes made using the Volume/Tone Push Button are lost when the scanner is powered-down and are reset to the configured setting.
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All manuals and user guides at Green LED Indicator The green LED indicates scanner status as shown in the table below.. Table 2. Green LED Indications LED INDICATION DURATION COMMENT Scanner (Green) LED on steady and dim Scanner Active The scanner is ready for operation.
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All manuals and user guides at Introduction Ce guide présente une synthèse du fonctionnement de base du scanner à l' a ttention des utilisateurs novices. Les installateurs, les administrateurs de système et autres person- nels techniques pourront obtenir des informations sur l' i nstallation, la programmation ainsi que d' a utres indications plus avancées dans le Guide de référence du produit.
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All manuals and user guides at Fonctionnement Lecture d’articles Les codes à barres des articles sont numérisés selon deux procédures soit… • en faisant glisser ou en poussant les articles à travers le volume de lecture de la droite vers la gauche ou de la gauche vers la droite (voir Figure 2a).
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All manuals and user guides at Bouton-poussoir volume/tonalité Le bouton-poussoir volume/tonalité exécute également des fonctions multiples selon la durée de son activation Les changements de volume rendent l' u tilisation du Bouton de réglage du Volume/Tonalité difficile lorsque le scanner est hors tension et est réinitiliasé...
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All manuals and user guides at Fonctions des voyant DEL Vert Le voyant DEL vert (Figure 2d) indique l' é tat du scanner au Table 2 ci-dessous. Table 2. Fonctions des voyant DEL Vert LED INDICATION DURATION COMMENT Voyant DEL vert en mode veille fixe Scanner Actif Le scanner est prêt à...
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All manuals and user guides at Einleitung Diese Anleitung bietet eine Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Scanner-Bedienung für neue Benutzer. Systemmanager, Installations- und anderes technisches Personal finden Informationen zu Installation, Programmierung und weitere Angaben im Produktreferen- zhandbuch. Aktuelle Änderungen der Publikationen finden Sie auf der Homepage; diese können Sie drucken und herunterladen.
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All manuals and user guides at Bedienung Scannen von Produkten Artikel-Barcodes werden gescannt entweder durch... • Schieben der Artikel durch den Scanbereich von rechts nach links oder von links nach rechts (siehe Zahl2a). Dieses Verfahren ist als "Sweep"-Scannen bekannt und die beste Methode für Super- und Hypermärkte mit hohem Warendurchsatz, bei denen eine Minimierung von Greif- und Hebebewegungen notwendig ist.
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All manuals and user guides at Lautstärke/Tonschalter Änderungen der Lautstärke, die über die Drucktaste "Volume/ Tone" erfolgt sind, werden beim Herunterfahren des Scanners gelöscht, und es erfolgt ein Zurücksetzen auf die Werkseinstel- lungen. Eine dauerhafte Änderung der Lautstärke kann mit BEACHTEN SIE Hilfe der speziellen Programmierkenndaten im Produktrefe- renzhandbuch vorgenommen werden.
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All manuals and user guides at Grüne LED Funktionen Tabelle 2. Grüne LED Funktionen LED Anzeige Dauer Bemerkung Die Grüne Anzeige ist dauerhaft an und Scanner ist aktiv leuchtet schwach Der Scanner ist betriebsbereit. Scannen ist sofort möglich. (Normalmodus) Optisches Signal, Grüne Anzeige - helles Aufblinken Zeigt das erfolgreiche Lesen und Decodieren eines Bar-...
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All manuals and user guides at Introduzione Questa guida offre un sommario delle operazioni principali dello scanner per utenti ines- perti. Installatori, amministratori di sistema e altro personale tecnico possono trovare informazioni sull' i nstallazione, programmazione ed altre questioni avanzate nella guida di riferimento del prodotto.
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All manuals and user guides at Funzionamento Utilizzo dello scanner i codici a barre dell' a rticolo sono scansiti con uno dei metodi seguenti ... • facendo scorrere o spingendo gli articoli attraverso il volume di scansione con un movimento da destra a sinistra o da sinistra a destra (vedere Figura 2a).
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All manuals and user guides at Tasto tono/volume Il tasto tono/volume svolge molteplici funzioni in base alla durata della pressione eser- citata: Le variazioni di volume effettuate con l'interruttore a pulsante Volume/Tono sono annullate con lo spegnimento dello scanner e quindi impostate nuovamente nel modo predefinito.
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All manuals and user guides at LED Verde Tavolo 2. Funzioni dei LED verde SIGNIFICATO DURATA NOTA LED verde acceso (intensità media) Scanner attivoa Lo scanner è pronto per l' u tilizzo. Funzione di scansione (Modalità normale) immediatamente disponibile. LED verde acceso (intensità...
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All manuals and user guides at Introducción Esta guía presenta un resumen de la operación básica del escáner para quienes lo utilizan por primera vez. Los instaladores, administradores de sistema y demás personal técnico pueden consultar la Guía de referencia del producto para obtener detalles de instalación, programación y otra información avanzada.
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All manuals and user guides at Funcionamiento Escaneo de objetos Los códigos de barra de las mercancías se pueden escanear... • deslizando o pasando las mercancías por el campo de lectura con un movimiento de derecha a izquierda o de izquierda a derecha (ver Figura 2a).
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All manuals and user guides at Botón pulsador Tono/Volumen Los cambios realizados en el volumen mediante el botón pulsa- dor para Volumen / Tono se pierden cuando se apaga el escáner y, cuando se lo vuelve a encender, se recuperan los valores pre- establecidos.
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All manuals and user guides at Funciones de el indicador luminoso verde Tabla 2. Funciones de el indicador luminoso verde SIGNIFICADO DURACIÓN COMENTARIO DEL INDICADOR Indicador luminoso verde constante y tenue Escáner activo El escáner está listo para operar. Se puede escanear inme- (Modo normal) diatamente.
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All manuals and user guides at Introdução Esta guia oferece um sumário de operações básicas do leitor para principiantes.O Instala- dor, administradores de sistema e outro pessoal técnico podem encontar programação, instalação, e informações avançadas adicionais no Guia de Referência do Produto. Revisões atualizadas das publicações podem ser visualizadas, impressas e baixadas (download) do website, que está...
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All manuals and user guides at Operação Para usar seu leitor Os códigos de barras nos artigos podem ser lidos por meio de... • deslizar ou empurrar artigos pelo volume de leitura em um movimento da direita para a esquerda ou da esquerda para a direita (veja Figura 2a).
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All manuals and user guides at Botão de Volume / Tonalidade O Botão de Volume / Tonalidade também executa multíplas funções, dependendo da duração que o mesmo foi pressionado: As mudanças de intensidade feitas usando o Botão de Volume/ Tonalidade são perdidas quando o leitor é...
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All manuals and user guides at Funções do LED Verde Tabela 2. Funções do LED Verde INDICAÇÃO DURAÇÃO OBSERVAÇÃO LED Verde aceso e meio-aceso Leitor Ativo O leitor está pronto para ser operado. Leitura está dis- (Modo Normal) ponível de imediato. LED Verde - piscando forte Indicação de Boa Indica a leitura de um código de barras e sua decodificação.
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All manuals and user guides at 简介 该指南向第一次使用扫描器的用户概要介绍扫描器的基本操作。安装人 员、系统管理员和其他技术人员可以在 《产品参考手册》中找到有关安 装、编程和更高级的信息。此手册以及该产品的其他手册在随扫描器所 带的手册 CD 中都有。有关这些出版物的最新修改可以从 PSC 网站上浏 览、打印和下载,该网址在本手册的封底上可以找到。您还可以从经销 商 / 分销商那里订购印刷好的手册。 连接 为了方便您了解, 中介绍了扫描器连接及各部分的功能。 图 1 图 1. 连接 快速用户指南...
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All manuals and user guides at 绿色指示灯 绿色指示灯所表示的扫描器状态如下表所列: 表 2. 绿色指示灯指示 表示内容 持续时间 注解 扫描器处于活 扫描器绿色指示灯连续发光且 灯光暗淡 扫描器准备就绪,可以随时工作。 动状态 ( 正常模式 ) 扫描器绿色指示灯亮闪一次 读取正确 a 表明条码已被读取和解码。 扫描器绿色指示灯连续闪烁 表明扫描器处在标签编程模式。关机后 编程模式 再开机可以退出该模式。 由于长时间闲置,扫描器马达和 / 或激 绿色指示灯每两秒闪烁一次 休眠模式 光器已经自动关闭,系统进入休眠模 式。 扫描器指示灯 1 秒钟关, 1/10 秒亮...
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All manuals and user guides at Kullanım Kitapçıgı Giris Bu kitapçık ilk kez kullananlar için temel barkod okuyucu çalıstırma konusunda bir özet sunar. Kurulusu yapan kisi, bilgi islem müdürleri ve diger teknik personel, kurulus, pro- gramlama ve daha ayrıntılı bilgileri Ürün Referans Kitagçıgında bulabilirler. Yayınların gün- cel hali, bu kitapçıgın arka kapagında listelenen web sitesinden görüntülenebilir, yazdırılabilir ve bilgisayarınıza indirilebilir.
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All manuals and user guides at Çalıştırma Ürünleri Okutma Ürün barkodları aşağıdaki şekillerde okutulabilir… Ürünleri sağdan sola veya soldan sağa doğru hareketle okuma alanına kaydırma yada itme şeklinde (Bkz. Şekil 2a). Bu yöntem “Sweep” (Süpürerek) okutma olarak adlandırılır, ki bu müşteri yoğunluğu yüksek super ve hipermarket kuruluşlarında ağırlığı...
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All manuals and user guides at Ses/Ton Butonu Ses/Ton Butonu, üzerine ne kadar süreyle basıldığına bağlı olarak aynı zamanda birden fazla işlevi yerine getirir Ses/Ton Butonunu kullanarak yapılan ses düzeyi değişiklikleri, cihaz kapatılıp açılınca kaybolur ve yapılan değişiklikler fabrika ayarlarına döner.
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All manuals and user guides at Yeşil LED Gösterge Yeşil LED Gösterge aşağıdaki tabloda belirtildiği gibi, okuyucunun durumunu gösterir. Sekil 3. Yeşil LED Göstergeler LED GÖSTERGESİ SÜRE AÇIKLAMA Okuyucu (Yeşil) LED sabit ve sönük Okuyucu Aktif Okuyucu kullanıma hazır.Hemen okutma yapılabilir. Normal Mod Okuyucu (Yeşil) LED –...
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All manuals and user guides at Appendix A Productivity Index Reporting Option ™ Productivity Index Reporting Option — Your scanner may be equipped with the optional Pro- ™ ductivity Index Reporting feature. This feature allows for data collection on the readability index of bar codes scanned by the scanner.
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All manuals and user guides at seu scanner, por favor consultar o Guia de Referência do Produto (PRG - Product Reference Guide). Cleaning Exterior surfaces and scan windows exposed to spills, smudges or debris accumulation require periodic cleaning to assure best performance during scanning. Use a clean, lint- free cloth or paper towel dampened with a nonabrasive, mild, water-based window cleaner to wipe away stains, smudges, fingerprints, spills, etc.
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All manuals and user guides at Appendix B. Warranty Datalogic warrants to Customer that Datalogic' s products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year from product shipment. Warranty Coverage Datalogic warrants that the goods delivered under these General Terms for the Sale of Goods shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal and proper use during the Warranty Period (as defined below).
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Datalogic's current operating manual, catalog, or written guar- antee covering such product. No affirmation of fact or promise made by Datalogic, whether in this contract or communicated otherwise, shall constitute a warranty that the goods will conform to the affirmation or promise.
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Buyer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the Datalogic service center is located. Buyer shall be responsi- ble for paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for prod- ucts returned to any other locations.
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Datalogic or fails to pay when due any invoice under this contract, then in addition to any and all remedies allowed by law, Dat- alogic without notice may (1) bill and declare due and payable all undelivered products under this or any other contract between Datalogic and the Buyer;...
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All manuals and user guides at
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• Copying or altering of this document is prohibited without express written consent from Datalogic S.p.A. • Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S. and the E.U.