Read, understand, and follow all instructions carefully before using this product.
• No protection against drowning. Swimmers only.
• This is not a life saving device.
• Never allow diving or jumping onto or from this product.
• Never leave in or near the water when not in use.
• Never use in high wind, rapid currents, open water or dangerous tides.
• Do not exceed the maximum recommended weight capacity.
• Distribute the weight of person(s) and/or load evenly.
• Do not use the device if you suspect a puncture or leak.
• Not to be used while consuming or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• Not for white water rafting or any other extreme sports activities.
• Never use when tired or fatigued.
• Use only in water away from debris and obstructions.
• Design working pressure: 0.03 bar.
Not following these guidelines may result in drowning or other serious injury. The product
warnings, instructions, and safety rules provided with the product represent some common
risks of using water recreating devices and do not cover all instances of risks and/or danger.
* For a full and complete description of each safety information symbol and safety sign printed on the product and the
packaging please refer to the "Definition" section or sheet.
Inflating Instructions
1. Locate a clean area free of stones or other sharp objects.
2. Adults should inflate each chamber in numbered sequence (if marked) slowly with a foot or manually operated air
pump. Make sure the device is firm to the touch but not hard. If there is any straining at the seams, the product is
over-inflated. If any seam begins to strain, immediately stop the inflation and release air to reduce the pressure until
signs of stress on the seam are gone. The product has to be inflated until there are some small visible folds or wrinkles
around the seam. CAUTION: To prevent bursting, do not over inflate, use high pressure air compressor or exceed the
recommended design working pressure. Fill with cold air only. The product has to be inflated until you can still recognize
small folds in the area around the armrests (i.e. below the cup-holders if any), the backrest and/or the side edges. Also
compare this pressure with the large main chamber.
3. Close and recess all inflation valves securely.
4. Ensure that adequate air pressure is maintained in the product during use Verify the pressure frequently, especially on
very hot or cold days, using the air pressure checking method described in the instructions.
1. Check seams and valves regularly for tears.
2. Clean the device after each use with a garden hose and air dry thoroughly before storage.
3. If this product is used in an indoor swimming pool, ensure that there is sufficient headroom.
1. Ensure the device is thoroughly clean and dry first, see maintenance section.
2. Open all air valves and deflate the device completely.
3. Remove all accessories if applicable.
4. Fold the device loosely and avoid sharp bends, corners and creases which can damage the device. Replace all
inflation valves caps.
5. Store in a dry place and indoors.
The device comes with a repair patch. If you have an idea where the leak is, use a mix of dishwashing liquid and water in
a spray bottle, and spray over the suspicious areas. Any leak will produce bubbles that will pinpoint the location of the leak.
Thoroughly clean the area surrounding the leak to remove any dirt or grime.
Cut a piece of repair patch large enough to overlap the damaged area by approximately 1.5 cm (1/2"). Round off the edges,
and place the patch on the damaged area and press down firmly. You may want to use a weight on top to keep it in place.
Do not inflate in one hour after patching.
If the patch does not hold, you can purchase silicon or polyurethane based glue for repairing camping mats, tents or shoes
from your local shop or market to patch the device; please refer to the instruction of the glue for patching.
©2016 Intex Marketing Ltd. - Intex Development Co. Ltd. - Intex Trading Ltd. - Intex Recreation Corp.
All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés/Todos los derechos reservados/Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Printed in China/Imprimé en Chine/Impreso en China/Gedruckt in China.
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90801 • Distributed in the European Union by/Distribué dans l'Union Européenne par/Distribuido en la unión Europea por/Vertrieb in der Europäischen
Union durch/Intex Trading B.V., Venneveld 9, 4705 RR Roosendaal – The Netherlands
(172) ENGLISH 4.875" X 7.25" 04/112016