3.4 – Section d'effet Flanger
Au début des années 80, il était courant de trouver des synthétiseurs équipés d'un
effet Chorus. Cependant, les concepteurs de KORG ont ajouté un Flanger au Trident
(argument de vente unique?). Cet effet caractéristique est capable d'auto-oscillation
et peut être activé individuellement pour les trois sections. De nombreux artistes
l'utilisaient en tant que source supplémentaire de mise en forme sonore
3.5 – Section Delay Vibrato
Il y a un retard global de l'effet Vibrato qui module directement les générateurs de
signaux (par opposition au Vibrato Strings) et affecte les trois sections (synthétiseur,
cuivres et cordes) en même temps. Le retard du vibrato peut être activé ou désactivé
mais son temps de retard est fixe (enfin presque; voir la section Tweaks et Output).
La vitesse de l'effet Vibrato est contrôlée juste en dessous dans la section ''Wheels''.
Tricent mkIII - Guide Utilisateur
Page 8
Tricent m k I I I Manual
Fla n ge r Effe ct
In the early 80s it was already pretty common for synthe
be equipped with a Chorus effect. However, the KORG de
decided to add a Flanger to the Trident (unique selling po
This characteristic effect is capable of self-oscillation and
activated individually for the three sections. Many artists
heavily using it as an additional source for experimental
D ela y Vibr a t o a n d W h ee ls Se ct ion
There is a global delayed Vibrato effect which directly mo
the signal generators (as opposed to the St rings Vibrato)
affects all three sections (Synt hesizer , Brass and St r ings
same time. The vibrato delay can be switched on or off b
delay time is fixed (well almost; see section Tweaks and
of the Vibrato effect is controlled just below in the Wheel
introduced a "trill effect" – basically a vibrato with a rect
Since today's MIDI controllers typically are equipped with
instead of joysticks I decided to "map" the joystick funct
here. Thus you can select whether the Modulation wheel
a standard Vibrato or the "trill" effect. Furthermore you c
the range for the Pitchbend wheel.
Ke y Assign Se ct ion
The Trident / Tricent features two modes for assigning the
voices. In mode 1 the engine tries to assign any new not
new voice so that the other voices are not cut off (if poss
Mode 2 is suitable for solo play because here the engine
The original Trident featured a joyst
instead of the well-known Pitchbend
Modulation wheels: The horizontal a
used for pitch bending while moving
joystick "up" controlled the intensity
Vibrato effect and moving the joysti