Setting the timer to turn one or more cooking zones off
If the timer is set on one zone:
1. Sele ct th e relevant cooking zon e whi ch i s workin g b y touchin g th e zon e
sele ct ke y (A).
2. Select the cooking zone using (A) an d the power level required.
3. Before indicator stops flashing, touch the timer key(F)
will flash "10".
4. Usin g th e "+ " an d "-"buttons , yo u ca n realiz e th e settin g o f timin g fro m 1 t o
Hint : Touc h th e "- " o r "+ " control of th e time r onc e will decreas e o r increas e
by 1 minute.
Touc h an d hol d th e "- " o r "+"control of th e time r will decreas e o r incre as e
b y 1 0 minutes.
Touchin g th e "- " an d "+ " together , th e time r i s cancelled , an d th e time r
indicato r will tur n off.
5. Wh e n th e tim e i s set i , t will begi n t o coun t dow n immediately . Th e displa y
will sho w th e remainin g tim e an d th e time r indicato r flas h fo r 5 seconds.
NOTE: The red dot next to power level indicator will illuminate indicating that
zone is selected.
When cooking time r expire s, th e correspondin g cookin g zon e will b e swit ch
of f automatically.Othe r cookin g zon e will kee p operatin g if the y are turne d
on previously.
7. when using "the timer as a n alarm"and "the timer t o swith off th e zones"
together ,the display will show th e remaining time of alar m a s first
priority. Press c ooking zone t o sho w th e remaining time of switch off timer.
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and the timer