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INIM Electronics EU311 Mode D'emploi page 2


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Marcatura CE
Documentazione per gli utenti
DichiarazionidiPrestazione, DichiarazionidiConformità
e CertificatirelativiaiprodottiInim ElectronicsS.r.l. pos-
sono essere scaricatigratuitamente dall'indirizzo web
INIM Electronics s.r.l.
www.inim.biz, accedendo all'area riservata e suc-
Via Dei Lavoratori 10 - Fraz. Centobuchi
cessivamente selezionando "Certificazioni" o richiesti
63076 Monteprandone (AP) - Italy
all'indirizzo e-mailinfo@inim.bizo richiestia mezzo posta
ordinaria all'indirizzo indicato in questo manuale.
EN 54-17:2005
I manualipossono essere scaricatigratuitamente
EN 54-18:2005
dall'indirizzo web www.inim.biz, accedendo all'area riser-
vata e successivamente selezionando "I manualideipro-
Micromodulo ingresso/uscita analogico indirizzabile
intelligente con isolatore di corto circuito per sistemi
di rivelazione e di segnalazione d'incendio per edifici
Avvertenze e limitazioni
Caratteristiche essenziali
I moduliEU311 vanno utilizzatiesclusivamente con
Ritardo nella risposta (tempo di
centralidicontrollo che utilizzano ilprotocollo Ope-
Prestazioni in condizioni d'incendio
nLoop della Inim Electronics.
Affidabilità di funzionamento
Ilprodotto non è destinato ad installazioni
Resistenza termica
all'aperto, nelcaso alloggiarlo all'interno diun con-
Resistenza a urti e
tenitore con grado diprotezione adeguato.
di fun-
Resistenza alla cor-
Stabilità elettrica
Dati del costruttore
Circa questo manuale
Costruttore: Inim ElectronicsS.r.l.
Codice del manuale: DCMIIN4AEU311
Sito di produzione: Centobuchi, via DeiLavoratori10
Revisione: 251
63076 Monteprandone (AP), Italy
Copyright: le informazionicontenute in questo docu-
Tel: +39 0735 705007
mento sono proprietà esclusiva della Inim Electronics
Fax: +39 0735 734912
S.r.l.. Nessuna riproduzione o modifica è permessa
e-mail: info@inim.biz
Web: www.inim.biz
senza previa autorizzazione della Inim ElectronicsS.r.l..
Tuttiidirittisono riservati.
Ilpersonale autorizzato dalcostruttore a riparare o sosti-
tuire qualunque parte delsistema, è autorizzato ad
intervenire solo su dispositivicommercializzaticon ilmar-
chio Inim Electronics.
Ai sensi dell'art. 26 del Decreto Legislativo 14 marzo 2014, n. 49 "Attuazione della direttiva
2012/19/UE sui rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (RAEE)"
Ilsimbolo delcassonetto barrato riportato sull'apparecchiatura o sulla sua confezione indica che ilprodotto alla
fine della propria vita utile deve essere raccolto separatamente daglialtririfiuti. L'utente dovrà, pertanto, con-
ferire l'apparecchiatura giunta a fine vita agliidoneicentricomunalidiraccolta differenziata deirifiutielet-
trotecnicied elettronici. In alternativa alla gestione autonoma è possibile consegnare l'apparecchiatura che sidesidera
smaltire alrivenditore, almomento dell'acquisto diuna nuova apparecchiatura ditipo equivalente. Presso irivenditoridi
prodottielettronicicon superficie divendita dialmeno 400 m
è inoltre possibile consegnare gratuitamente, senza
obbligo diacquisto, iprodottielettronicida smaltire con dimensioniinferioria 25 cm. L'adeguata raccolta differenziata per
l'avvio successivo dell'apparecchiatura dismessa alriciclaggio, altrattamento e allo smaltimento ambientalmente com-
patibile contribuisce ad evitare possibilieffettinegativisull'ambiente e sulla salute e favorisce ilreimpiego e/o riciclo dei
materialidicuiè composta l'apparecchiatura.
Product description
The EU311 module allows you to interface an addressable-analogue control pane with external appa-
ratus and devices such as call-points, beam detectors, sirens, flashers, etc.
Thanks to the small dimensions, the micro module can be placed directly into the connected device (see
The output of the micro module can supply power to the device connected by means of the loop tension.
On the micro module you will find a label showing the technical specifications and the distinctive serial
number which identifies the device.
The EU311 are certified and approved in accordance with EN54-17 Short-circuit isolators and
EN54-18 – Input/Output devices.
Manuale d'istruzioni/ Instruction manual/ Manualde instrucciones/ Notice d'instructions
Description of the parts
A Terminals
B Cables
C Technical specifications/serial-number sticker
D Removable serial-number stickers
E Removable anchor locations
Loop IN +
Terminals for the input connection with the loop.
Loop IN -
Loop OUT +
Terminals for the output connection with the loop.
Loop OUT -
When actived by the control panel supply 24V tension
Output terminals
with a maximum current draw of 20mA.
Supervise the status of one or more contacts and the
subsequent transfer of data (relative to the status of the
contact) to the control panel. To be used for the con-
Supervised input terminals
nection of external devices to the control panel, such
as beam smoke detectors with relay outputs or other
types of devices with one or more output relays
Technical specifications
Power supply
Current draw
in standby
in alarm
Input balancing resistance
Alarm input resistance
Output current draw
Environmental conditions
Relative humidity
Height (without cables)
Width (with anchor locations, without cables)
Width (without anchor locations, without cables)
Depth (without cables)
Cables lenght
The module must be connected to the control panel via a 2 pole twisted-shielded cable. This cable car-
ries both the power supply and the two-way digital communications data (refer to the control panel instal-
lation manual, section for the wiring diagram).
The module has a short-circuit isolator which, in the event of short-circuit between the two poles of the
control panel loop cable, is capable of interrupting the negative pole and thus isolating the section invol-
ved in the short-circuit. For the isolator specification, please refer to the "ILP Specification" document.
The module should be housed inside the device connected or inside an electrical mounting box, as per
the diagram, with the following characteristics:
minimal internal dimensions: 80 x 80 x 40 mm
protection grade IP44 or higher
compliant with the established standards and codes relating to the Installation of electrical systems
The two removable serial number stickers should be taken off the module; one should be atta-
ched to the box where the device is to be housed, the other to the installation layout.
Once all the loop devices have been properly connected, refer to the control panel installation and pro-
gramming manual for instructions regarding the configuration and addressing procedures.
Inim ElectronicsS.r.l. © 2020
Using the EDRV2000 driver
The EDRV2000 driver allows you to change the operating parameters of the detectors, check the con-
tamination level of the smoke chambers and also obtain accurate diagnostic data. It can operate through
the USB port of a computer furnished with the relative software programme, or can function auto-
nomously by way of the battery housed inside.
Each detector is capable of retaining memory (smoke and/or temperature depending on the model) of
the 5 minutes prior to an alarm. Therefore, if an alarm occurs, it will be possible to obtain information
regarding the onset of the fire by simply connecting the EDRV2000 driver to the detection line.
For further information and details regarding use of the EDRV2000 driver, refer to the respective hand-
It is not necessary to respect the
input/output configuration of the
terminals as the Loop IN and
Testing and maintenance
OUT terminals are inter-
The functionality of the module should be tested immediately after installation and periodically during
However, for wiring congruence,
maintenance inspections, in accordance with the established standard regulations and codes in force.
it is advisable to follow the order
indicated in this table.
CE mark
INIM Electronics s.r.l.
Via Dei Lavoratori 10 - Fraz. Centobuchi
63076 Monteprandone (AP) - Italy
EN 54-17:2005
EN 54-18:2005
Intelligent analogue addressable micro input/output
from 19 to 30 V
module with short circuit isolator for fire detection and
fire alarm systems installed in buildings
24 V
Essential characteristics
Response delay (response time)
80 µA
Performance under fire conditions
20 mA @ 27,6 V
Operational reliability
22 KOhm
Temperature resi-
2.2 KOhm
Vibration resi-
Durability of ope-
MAX 20mA
rational relia-
Humidity resistance
Corrosion resi-
from -5 to +40 °C
Electrical stability
≤ 95 % without condensation
Manufacturer's details
40 mm
Manufacturer: Inim ElectronicsS.r.l.
54 mm
Production plant: Centobuchi, via DeiLavoratori10
63076 Monteprandone (AP), Italy
38 mm
Tel: +39 0735 705007
15 mm
Fax: +39 0735 734912
100 mm
e-mail: info@inim.biz
Web: www.inim.biz
15 g
The personsauthorized bythe manufacturer to repair
or replace the partsof thissystem, hold authorization to
workon Inim Electronicsbrand devicesonly.
lnformative notice regarding the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment (applicable in
countries with differentiated waste collection systems)
The crossed-out bin symbolon the equipment or on itspackaging indicatesthat the product must be disposed
of correctlyat the end of itsworking life and should never be disposed of together with generalhousehold
waste. The user, therefore, must take the equipment that hasreached the end of itsworking life to the appro-
priate civicamenitiessite designated to the differentiated collection of electricaland electronicwaste. Asan alternative to
the autonomous-management of electricaland electronicwaste, you can hand over the equipment you wish to dispose
of to a dealer when purchasing new equipment of the same type. You are also entitled to conveyfor disposalsmallelec-
tronic-waste productswith dimensionsof lessthan 25cm to the premisesof electronicretailoutletswith salesareasof at
least 400m2, free of charge and without anyobligation to buy. Appropriate differentiated waste collection for the sub-
sequent recycling of the discarded equipment, itstreatment and itsenvironmentallycompatible disposalhelpsto avoid
possible negative effectson the environment and on health and favoursthe re-use and/or recycling of the materialsit is
made of.
Documents for the users
Declarationsof Performance, Declarationsof Con-
formityand Certificatesconcerning to Inim Electronics
S.r.l. productsmaybe downloaded free of charge from
the web addresswww.inim.biz, getting accessto Exten-
ded Accessand then selecting "Certifications"or reque-
sted to the e-mailaddressinfo@inim.bizor requested by
ordinarymailto the addressshown in thismanual.
Manualsmaybe downloaded free of charge from the
web addresswww.inim.biz, getting accessto Extended
Accessand then selecting "Manuals".
Warnings and limitations
The EU311 module must be used exclusivelywith
controlpanelsthat operate on Inim ElectronicsOpe-
nLoop protocol.
Thisproduct isnot suitable for outdoor installation.
However, if outdoor installation isnecessary,
ensure that the device ishoused inside a suitable
enclosure with the required protection grade.
About this manual
Manual code: DCMIIN4AEU311
Revision: 251
Copyright: the information contained in thisdocument
isthe sole propertyof Inim ElectronicsS.r.l. No part may
be copied without written authorization from Inim Elec-
tronicsS.r.l.. Allrightsreserved.

